Friday, May 31, 2019

Devestation Man Brings upon Himself in Goldings Lord of the Flies :: essays research papers

William Goldings Lord of the Flies is a story that has hidden symbolism. It is about a group of British schoolboys fleeing from England during World warfare 1. Their plane crashes on a deserted tropical island. Once on the island they have to cope with their new ?adult-less? life and make rules to live by. After spend time on the island, the boys begin to struggle for power which leads to several problems. The experience on the island serves as a symbol of life in the outside human being and the devastation that man brings upon himself. Setting, specific characters, and symbolism help show this.The setting of the story is an important symbol of the outside world. Certain circumstances that happen on the island coincide what happens in the outside world. The world is in the midst of World War 1. On the island Jack and Ralph have their own war happening. The boys set abscond to the island. It was a mistake, but they were enjoying it ?At the sight of the flames and irresistible cours e of fire, the boys broke into a shrill, excited laughter.? They were enjoying the fire, though it was causing destruction and even killed an innocent boy. However, they were not much bothered by the thought because it did not involve them directly. They built ?war like? forts, even though there was nothing worth protecting. The island is like a miniature world. Certain circumstances that happen in the world happen on a miniature scale on the island.Specific characters in the story represent people in the outside world. Jack represents a dictator, like Hitler or Mussolini. He controls everything around him and abuses his power. He would take littluns and randomly overreach them because he had more power over them. The littluns represented the masses. They would flow towards the leader that seemed the best for them. All they wanted to do was have fun, relax, and hunt. Jack provided all of that. neandertal was the voice of intelligence and reasoning ?Which is better, law and rescue , or hunting and breaking things up He was the most intelligent soul on the island and the rules came from him. Each person?s true identity came out on the island, for better or for worse, and they are all representative of to people in the outside world.The symbolism end-to-end the entire novel was significant. Jacks mindless hunters never spoke out against their leader.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

History of Abortion Essay -- essays research papers

Ever since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, stillbirth haschanged its ladder in society. With the new decision do by the United States, abortionwas now legal. Many abortions were performed before the Supreme Court decision, butthe solvent made it less risky for the doctors involved. Abortion has caused society tobe divided by a pro-choice group and pro-life group. Two groups with struggles that will neer end.thither are many different types of abortions that can be preformed. The type useddepends on how far along in the pregnancy the woman is. In the rattling early stage of thepregnancy, up to 49 days after conception, the woman has two choices. The first is totake a combination of drugs. This is called a aesculapian abortion. The embryo is then passedout. The other met... History of Abortion Essay -- essays research papers Ever since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, Abortion haschanged its course in society. With the new decision made by the United States, abortionwas now legal. Many abortions were performed before the Supreme Court decision, butthe settlement made it less risky for the doctors involved. Abortion has caused society tobe divided by a pro-choice group and pro-life group. Two groups with struggles that willnever end.There are many different types of abortions that can be preformed. The type useddepends on how far along in the pregnancy the woman is. In the very early stage of thepregnancy, up to 49 days after conception, the woman has two choices. The first is totake a combination of drugs. This is called a medical abortion. The embryo is then passedout. The other met...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Tiger :: essays research papers

The tigerThe Tiger is often described as a particularly dangerous, sly, andinvincible predator. The Tiger is the largest of the cat family. They havepowerful bodies, large paws, and very sharp claws. The head of the Tiger isrounded and has a convex profile. The ears are black with white in the middle.The Tigers eyes are a yellowish-orange color, but at night they almost lookgreen. Coloration of the Tiger is reddish yellow or rust- brown on the upperside, and a whitish under side. There is prominent beard like growth of hair onthe cheeks, and they may have a mulct neck mane. There body is covered withheavy black stripes ( Grzineks Animal Life encyclopedia 1972).During the day a Tiger may relaxation in the shade, or lie in a quiet pool ofwater to escape the heat. Tigers like water, and are very good swimmers.Northern Tigers warrant long migrations. These migrations occur when epidemicswipe out the prey populations. This type of migrations happens often.Temperatures down to -45 deg rees Celsius are not harmful and do not dampen theiractivities ( Mammals Multimedia Encyclopedia 1990).Tigers usually live and hunt alone. When they hunt they can leap 5 to 6or jump as far as 10 meters. Tigers do not usually prey on people, but some dobecome man eaters. If a Tiger becomes a man eater it is because of a wound,weakness, or only because it is to old. The young accompany their mother on thehunt when they are 5 to 6 months of age. Tigers begin to hunt alone when theyare just eleven months old. Before the young can hunt alone, the mother willdemonstrate how it is done(Comptons Interactive Encyclopedia 1993).Tigers usually prey on deer crackers cattle called gore, and wild pigs.Whenever humans have domestic animals, Tigers will feed on cattle, horses, sheep,and goats. A cattle eating Tiger will kill an ox about any 5 days, or from 60to 70 a year. If a tiger has trouble finding food it will eat birds orchis orberries. If a Tiger can not find any kind of food at all, it will eat any kindof public figure it can find( Grzineks Animal Life Encyclopedia 1972).Tigers have only three major requirementsthey need large prey,water,andcover.An adult tiger requires 12 pounds at a time, but it may eat as much as 60pounds in one night.A tigress with three young require 280 kg of meat everytwenty days.At times a tiger must go without food,or will have to make do with

Ferenc Farkas :: Artists Decorating Essays

Ferenc Farkas Ferenc Farkas was born in Nagykanizsa, Hungary, in December 1905. He studied composition with Albert Siks and Le Weiner at the Budapest academy of Music and continued his studies with Ottorino Respighi at the Accademia di Santa Cecilia in Rome. Ferenc Farkas was Professor of Composition at the Conservatory of Kolozsvr from 1941 to 1944 and also served as its director during his last year there. In 1949 Farkas was appointed Professor of Composition at the Budapest Academy of Music, a post which he held until his retirement in 1975. His pupils included Attila Bozay, Axolt Durk, Gyrgy Kurtg, Gyrgy Ligeti, Emil Petrovics, Sndor Szokolay and many some other prominent Hungarian composers.In 1950, Ferenc Farkas was awarded the highest Hungarian government decoration for artistic merit, the Kossuth Prize. In 1979, he was given the Herder Prize by the F.V.Stiftung in Hamburg. This oppugn was conducted in the spring of 1991. Gal First of all, I would like to congratulate you o n your 85th birthday which you celebrated last December and indirect request you continuing good health and happiness. When did you archetypical begin to compose for harp? Farkas In my early compositions for orchestra, I always gave the harp part an important role. My first composition for harp solo, however, was Concertino, written in 1937 for the Budapest Municipal Orchestra and Mrs. Anna Molnr. Gal Was Concertino performed come inside of Hungary? Farkas Soon after the first performance in Budapest, a second performance was given by Mireille Flour in Brussels, followed by performances in London by Maria Korchinska, in Rome by adenosine deaminase Sassoli, and in Frankfurt by Rosa Stein. Later in Hungary, the work was performed again by Liana Pasquali. Concertino was recorded in Germany by Rosa Stein and in Belgium by Mireille Flour. Gal What are your feelings about writing for the harp? Farkas In 1937 I tried to utilize what I felt was the most slackly neglected characteristic o f the harp - the melodic line. I avoided the arpeggio and glissando as much as possible. In 1956, however, with the help of Professor Mikls Rkai at the Budapest Conservatory, I rewrote Concertino. I wrote what I consider to be a more successful role for the harp and included the previously avoided glissandi and arpeggi, added cadenzas, and thinned out the orchestral background in the first and third movements. The new version was then played in Hungary by Hdy Lubik and several generation in Germany by Gyula Dall.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Swine Meat and Diseases Essay -- Agriculture Farming Food Pigs Essays

Swine Meat and DiseasesMany swine disease outbreaks occur every year and are most often related to a large number of pigs brocaded in the same area or facility continuously. Raising and producing a numerous amount of pigs derriere pass in overcrowding which can then result in pigs who are disease carriers. These disease carriers can continue to infect and re-infect a swine producers herd. Without knowing or realizing that the hogs are infected the diseases can travel from swine farm to swine farm introducing new diseases into their swine herds which can produce more carriers. African Swine Fever One of the most destructive diseases in swine known world(a) is the African Swine Fever, or ASF. ASF is a viral disease which affects both wild pigs and domestic pigs. The disease is often contracted when pigs consume uncooked food discard and contaminated garbage or water. thither are many symptoms of African Swine Fever, some of which include reddening of the ears and snout, bloody diar rhea, high fever, skin blotching and abortion frequently occurs in pregnant sows. Fatality is a very common outcome from contracting ASF. If death does not occur, the surviving pigs can carry the virus for months on end. There is absolutely no treatment or vaccine that exists for a cure of this disease. The main prevention method for the African Swine Fever virus is to be accepted that all garbage fed to pigs is thoroughly cooked. ASF is a disease that can be very contagious if it is not controlled. Those pigs that become infected should be eradicated by slaughter and disposing of the carcass by burning or burial. One positive aspect of African Swine Fever is that humans have yet to transmit it. neandertal Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome ... disease outbreaks, a disease can be detected at an earlier stage making the outbreak less devastating. References Amass, F. Sandra (2004) Procedures for preventing transmittal of foot-and-mouth disease virus by people. The Veteri nary Journal, 103, 143-149 Chae, C. (2005) A review of porcine circovirus 2-assoiciated syndromes and diseases. The Veterinary Journal, 169, 326-336. Hulten, F. (2004) Evaluation of environmental and management-related risk factors associated with chronic mastitis in sows. AJVR, 65, 1398-1403. Walker, Randy (1992) Swine Swine wellness Program. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Retrieved from http// Olega-Perez, A. (1990) Distribution and biology of Ornithodoros erraticus in parts of Spain affected by African swine fever. The Veterinary Record, 126, 32-37.

Swine Meat and Diseases Essay -- Agriculture Farming Food Pigs Essays

Swine Meat and DiseasesMany swine disease outbreaks occur every year and are most often related to a large number of pigs elevated in the same area or facility continuously. Raising and producing a numerous amount of pigs asshole final result in overcrowding which can then result in pigs who are disease carriers. These disease carriers can continue to infect and re-infect a swine producers herd. Without knowing or realizing that the hogs are infected the diseases can travel from swine farm to swine farm introducing new diseases into their swine herds which can produce more carriers. African Swine Fever One of the most destructive diseases in swine known oecumenic is the African Swine Fever, or ASF. ASF is a viral disease which affects both wild pigs and domestic pigs. The disease is often contracted when pigs consume uncooked food throw away and contaminated garbage or water. on that point are many symptoms of African Swine Fever, some of which include reddening of the ears and snout, bloody diarrhea, high fever, skin blotching and abortion frequently occurs in pregnant sows. Fatality is a very common outcome from contracting ASF. If death does not occur, the surviving pigs can carry the virus for months on end. There is absolutely no treatment or vaccine that exists for a cure of this disease. The main prevention method for the African Swine Fever virus is to be certain(p) that all garbage fed to pigs is thoroughly cooked. ASF is a disease that can be very contagious if it is not controlled. Those pigs that become infected should be eradicated by slaughter and disposing of the carcass by burning or burial. One positive aspect of African Swine Fever is that humans have yet to transmit it. double-dyed(a) Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome ... disease outbreaks, a disease can be detected at an earlier stage making the outbreak less devastating. References Amass, F. Sandra (2004) Procedures for preventing transmittal of foot-and-mouth disease vir us by people. The Veterinary Journal, 103, 143-149 Chae, C. (2005) A review of porcine circovirus 2-assoiciated syndromes and diseases. The Veterinary Journal, 169, 326-336. Hulten, F. (2004) Evaluation of environmental and management-related risk factors associated with chronic mastitis in sows. AJVR, 65, 1398-1403. Walker, Randy (1992) Swine Swine health Program. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Retrieved from http// Olega-Perez, A. (1990) Distribution and biology of Ornithodoros erraticus in parts of Spain affected by African swine fever. The Veterinary Record, 126, 32-37.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Iceland Crisis

Background Information In three year period of 2008-2011 Iceland suffered one of the worst pecuniary crisis in history. It Is bewildering how a country with universe of only 320,000 could gather massive sums of money per capital, lose It all in all In such a short time period, and then manage an incredibly brisk recovery since. Lets start by shedding some light on the situation leading to the crash. Iceland has always been affiliated with nature and fishermen. Fishing was the most usual occupation in Iceland, and a major backbone of their economy for years.Things turned direction in the ass hobby the liberalizing of Icelandic banks. Deregulation of banks added a self-coloured new dimension to Icelandic economy and money was flowing more than ever. Glitter, Gapingly. And Landsman were Icelands three most notable commercial banks who were enjoying a great time. amply savings interest rate offered by Icelandic banks attracted plenty of foreign investors . Fishermen slowly turned into financial advisers to manage the capital inflow from issueside, particularly from Germany and the I-J and pretend more wealth for Icelandic economy in the long-term.As with every great financial crash, greed and carelessness played a part. Banks, having believed the hype and buzz, were careless handing out big mortgages to loads of under-qualified applicants on low interest and made under-thought Investments abroad, particularly in the US. Icelands banking sector was pride of the country which had transformed Iceland into one of the richest countries in europium in a couple of decades. What Went Wrong The banks were accountable for themselves. There was no precise rules set for them.They had to go out there and produce. Their capabilities was the most important hinging and all else was entropyary. If the banks didnt have to give ethical answers to the governing, then they could be capable of many unthinkable things, especially in the banking world of the asss and early a sses. The prime minister of Iceland in that period (1991-2004), David Dodson, was no fan of government owned banks in Iceland, so none of the banks In Iceland had to answer directly to governmental authority. Reliant on away financing.They used mass wholesale financial backing to finance their way into the local mortgage market and obtain foreign financial firms mostly in the UK and Scandinavia. The banks were following the international ambitions of a new generation of Icelandic entrepreneurs who set to form global empires in industries from retailing to food production to pharmaceuticals. By the end of 2006, the agree assets of the three main banks were $150 billion, eight times the countrys GAPS. Low interest rate offered by Icelandic banks had allowed financing for rapid and pre- mature expansion of mixed companies in various industries perhaps beyond the nations capacity.In half(prenominal) a decade, Icelandic banks experienced a mass transformation from being pretty much tout ensemble domestic lenders to becoming major international financial intermediaries. The shift and growth was almost too good to be true. This is where things started to go south. As wholesale funding markets seized up (e. G. Lehmann Brothers bankruptcy in September 2008), Icelandic banks were shaken and started to collapse under a mountain of foreign debt. The Crash and Its Consequences On October 8th 2008, Suppurating was pose into administration. The government had to intervene. Iceland was on verge of national bankruptcy.Foreign investors were seeking their money from Icelandic banks and threatened to sue. Everything was a sees. The Icelandic government nationalized Glinting. The control of Lambskin and Glinting were attached to representatives of FM (Financial Supervisory Authority). Prime minister, Geri Heard, believed those actions interpreted by the government prevented the country from national bankruptcy. The impacts of the crash were severe on Icelandic economy, how ever. At end of second quarter of 2008, Icelands external debt rose to close to ?50 billions), more than 80% of which was held by the banking sector.The national currentness (Icelandic Akron) fell sharply in value. Foreign currency orientations were basically suspended for weeks. The Icelandic stock exchange fell by more than 90% and as a consequent Iceland officially bid hello to a period of economic recession. Recovery Icelandic economy continued to suffer for two years, still the signs since late 2010 have been very positive. Islanders have taken the right steps and have shown urgency in their efforts to get their economy back on track and it has paid dividends. The governments priority was to minimize the impact of financial crisis on the country.They placed Iceland ahead of foreign investors. As a result, an emergency isolation was passed, allowing the Financial Supervisory Authority to take over the domestic trading operations of Icelands three major banks. The state inter vened by protecting domestic creditors and depositors, not allowing the taxpayers to take the burden of a bailouts. Instead of bailing out the banks (e. G. I-J, Ireland, etc), Iceland opted for defaults of the banks. This fumed foreign depositors, but Icelandic quick recovery was devaluation of Icelandic currency and implementing measures of capital control. The Coronas value halved making Icelandic exports (e. . Fish) and ours cheaper and more attractive to foreigners. These two sectors flourished as a result and played a significant role in growing the Icelandic economy again. Iceland have worked hard in restoring macroeconomic stability and rebuilding the financial sector. They put the money they received from MIFF ($10 Billion) in use to a 3-year restructuring programmer. The results are impressive as since then, the GAP has grown 2. 5% in two consecutive years. Now that the Icelandic economy is doing better, the government is making settlements to gradually pay the foreign inve stors back.The unemployment rates have fallen in half and those accountable for the crash, even the former prime minister, were persecuted at the courts. Iceland did the opposite of Europe and the US to the situation and it has proved effective. Of course, its a different situation managing 320,000 people as opposed to millions. Its not all rosy yet, however, as other economic sectors, notably private and household must catch up to fishing and touristry sector to take the momentum to next level and fully take Iceland out of what could have been a fatal blow. Conclusion 2008 Financial crash agitate the world.The impact in Iceland was more incredible than most places as it nearly brought depression to the country. Deregulated Icelandic banks bit more than they could chew and ambition turned into greed and gamble. Series of factors gave hands to each other and took Iceland on verge of national bankruptcy. What happened after, is perhaps a lesson for all other nations who are struggli ng with their economies. Icelandic government prioritize its own nation above anyone else, and allowed its banks to default, protecting its people. They have since taken the right measures to increase spending and business in the entry.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Operational Plan Essay

Offices Assistant Operational PlanGoalIncrease the sales in each store by 10% by June 2013Objectivesa) include graphic design servicesb) Acquisition of additional printer, photocopier and delivery caravan. c) Reorganize of fixtures and fitting within the store to make billet for the equipment d) Multi-skill current retail product staff to include service knowledge. e) Increase in human resource requirements.StrategyIn order to increase the sales, the beau monde entrust necessity to employee 10 more people with costumer service background, and provide the correct training of the products and services. denotationStakeholderRole in the ProblemConsultation MethodSenior Management TeamDecision unclutterrfeedback sessionemail communicationsnewslettersStore ManagerDevelop an operational planMeetings chemical group meetingsinterviewsEmployeesImplementers of the planFocus groupsBrainstorming sessionsFeedback sessions.SuppliersSupply equipmentEmail communicationNewslettersCustomersEmail communicationNewslettersMediaInvolved in the advertisement exEmail communicationNewslettersActionsIn order to complete the organization goal and objectives the following are the action that should be taken a) Include a graphic designerThe Marketing incision need to advertise the position of graphic designer. Responsible Manager of the areaTime reference frame 18 Oct 2013 to 18 of November 2013Budget 500b) Acquisition of additional printer, photocopier and delivery van To increase the sales, The Company will need to provide additional equipment. Responsible Store ManagerTime frame 20 Oct 2013 to 18 of November 2013Budget 2500c) Make space for the new equipmentReorganize of fixtures and fitting within the store to make space for the equipment. Responsible Store ManagerTime frame 15 Oct 2013 to 20 November 2013Budget 1000d) TrainingMulti-skill current retail product staff to include service knowledge.Responsible Store Manager and team membersTime frame 18November to 30 November 2013B udget 2000e) Recruitment10 more people have to be hired.Responsible Store managers and Manager of specific Areas.Time frame 20 Oct to 18 November 2013Contingence planIf the strategy of increasing the sales 10% by next year doesnt work after the high season(November to January). We will need to focus more in how to advertise more the products and services provided. Because we already have the trained people to continue to project. The Marketing department need to focus in a strategy to get more costumers to increase the sales. OutcomeTo increase the sales by 10% by next year. The keep company need to invest in the project $6000. That include a graphic design services, acquisition and organization of new equipment. Recruitment and training. ApprovalName vexDateSingCarolina PrietoSenior ManagementCarolina PrietoDavid GarciaStore MangerDavid Garcia

Saturday, May 25, 2019

How evil is presented throughout the play Essay

Show how Shakespeares sense of theatre supports the presendation of demonic in Macbeth.Shakespeare was born in 1564 at Stratford upon Avon, he was an English poet and adoptwright. He wrote 38 plays 154 sonnets. He began his successful career in London as an actor and a writer, and later became known as what many say to be the greatest writer in the English language. One of his most successful plays is Macbeth it was written at the time faggot pile I was on the throne at the time that the Gunpowder Plot that took place in 1605, and plotted against king James I and tried to blow up the houses of parliament. This is quite significant to the play as it links to people plotting against the king, as Macbeth does. In the end Guy Fawks is burnt, and at the end of the play Macbeth is also murdered.Shakespeare received patronage from the current monarchy if they were pleased with the play he had produced, so he made it appeal to the king or Queen he was writing it for. He did this when he wrote Macbeth, as he Put witches in the play and also based the play around witches and pictured them as personifying evil this would wee-wee appealed to King James I as he wrote a book about witches c solelyed Demonology in this book he confirm his conspiracy about witches being evil supernatural beings that made bad things pass away. Shakespeare set the play in the 12th century when it was the17th century so that he could twist the facts of what happened to rise across what he precious to say, about the plot of the witches.Shakespeare tried to enlighten things relevant in the play to King James I. He did this at the setoff of the play where he used Thunder and Lightening, before the three witches came on this would have appealed to King James I as he expressed very immobilely that witches conjured up storms in the book he wrote. Another thing that portrayed evil at the start of the play is that the chirp that the witches do Fair is foul and foul is fair, this shows that evi l is about dangerous being bad and bad being good. This links to Macbeth because when he showtime talks, he says so fair and foul a day I have not seen.He is echoing the words of the witches, and this alerts the audience and makes them think he is connected to them or of the same nature (also evil). Also when the witches say when the hurlyburlys done, when the battles lost and won it makes you curious to think that they may know what is to happen in the future. It also gives you the feeling that the witches are peculiar and supernatural if they can make predictions with such certainty. Shakespeare is also trying to show the power the witches have to make evil happen, that their presence or their words can effect people make them think evil and then become evil, as Macbeth does throughout the play.Macbeth as a victim of supernatural conspiracy as its the witches who put the essence of treason in his mind.This is shown when Banquo asks Macbeth Good sir, why do you start and come a long to fear. This shows Macbeth is not innately good because seeing the evil of the witches made him fear and a noble man was not to let evil get to him, like Banquo didnt. This also shows he is susceptible to evil. He also started to have evil thoughts that even started to scare himself he says I yield to that suggestion whose repulsive image doth unfix my hair, and make my seated heart knock at my ribs. Macbeth knows it is a sin against God to Murder or even hurt the Lords anointed King.At the start of the play he was honourable and favoured greatly by Duncan who gave him the titles Thane of Cawdor and Thane of Glamis for winning the battle and defeating the king of Norway, alone Macbeth above all was a man of action and wanted to know how he could make the prediction of the witches come true and so he didnt let his evil thoughts get in the way .He says in act 1 scene 4 Stars hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires, he wants the stars to stay dark so that h e can hide his murderous thoughts.Also dark is associated with bad and evil and light with good and noble. He doesnt want a starlit night so that he can hide his evil thoughts in the darkness away from the light. Macbeth had lots of imagination but he lacked a strong will, when doll Macbeth allures him into Duncans murder he went along with the plans although deep down he knew it was morally the wrong thing to do., on the other hand lady Macbeth had a strong will persuading and brainwashing Macbeth, but has no imagination, she is the one who persuades him to commit the ghastly deed but is the one who goes mad. Another aspect of Macbeths imagination is when he sees daggers and apparitions before he goes to kill Duncan. Macbeth even Hallucinates when he sees the ghost of Banquo.When Macbeth goes to see the witches they make him feel invincible, they tell him no man of charwoman born can touch him hearing this he goes and kills all of MacDuffs family (his innocent wife and children) that is because he has desc stop to evil, he has reached the depths of evil and because evil never triumphs the audience knows he is going be caught, this is when he finds out that the witches tricked him but he does die a noble death because he is brave.Lady Macbeth is portrayed as an evil person in the play but also the source of all the evil from Macbeth. She personifies evil to Macbeth making him do wrong and she guides him into all that he does. This play is written to relate to the biblical story of Adam and Eve where God allows them to eat the fruit from all the trees except the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. A serpent persuades Eve to eat from that tree she does so but also persuades Adam to eat from it. This relates to the story of Macbeth because Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to do evil. This is another thing that would have appealed to king James I as he was a religious man who strongly believed in what the bible said. When lady Macbeth reads the letter he has been sent by Macbeth she gets excited and starts having fantastical thoughts, yet she thinks her husband is too kind to do such a thing when she says It is too full o th milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way.She knows she will have to persuade him and she knows just how she will do this that I may pour my pot liquor in thine ear, and chastise with the valour of my tongue. She is saying she will use her language of persuasion and guide him into the evil to do what she wants him to do. She is the one who induces him and leads him to do it, at first he is reluctant but then she wins him over by saying that he should do it for the love of her, she also challenges his masculinity by doing this so in the end after arguing a won battle because lady Macbeth isnt backing down, Macbeth finally goes to murder Duncan. Later she entices him by saying that the accuse of the murder could be put on the kings guards, so their crime wont be discovered.Throughout the play Macbeth goes from nob le and good with people referring to him as noble Macbeth and valiant cousin to evil led by the witches. Macbeth was a victim of an evil plot with the witches tricking him and leading him to evil and sin, but the blame can not be put entirely on the witches because although they lead him he was the one who choose to kill Duncan witch was the start of all the bad things that came from it.Macbeth comes to die a noble death, because of his bravery and of this and then the rightful order has been restored and the rightful king is on the throne. This makes stronger the belief that people have that the king is the lords anointed and nobody can do anything about it. The play justifies the position of James I as he is a noble and righteous king . Shakespeare ended the play this was to show that no good comes from witches and from evil and it is a lot split up to be noble as you will get a better outcome, Banquo was noble and his son became the king in the end.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Kant the Sublime Essay

The Sublime In Lyotards reading Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime, he explains how critical intellection lasts within an infinite amount of creativity with no principles but in search of them. Lyotard understands the Kantian inflated as a way to comply with the standards that critically analyze postmodernism using deconstruction. Kant contrastiveiated the sublime between the vastness and greatness and the dynamic sublime. The vastness sublime is so great we cant skillful use our senses like we normally do it requires us to heighten our senses beyond comprehension. The dynamic sublime is the way in which rationalizes things and his perceptions.Lyotard describes the boundlessness of the imagination and reason as a differend and this is to be found at the heart of sublime olfactory modality at the encounter of two absolutes equally present to thought, the absolute whole when it conceives, the suddenly measured when it presents. (Lyotard) Our imagination understands forms an d measures eon reason understands something without form of an infinite record of something. in that location is a separation of imagination and reason and when we use the enigmatic index number of critical thought we can reflectively judge something.Kants presentation of the sublime has been interpreted up by Lyotard and he explores different ways of finding a philosophical understanding of different artworks. Through Longinus and Burke we can explore the pre-modern and modern conceptions of the sublime and through all these critiques we can draw different manifestations of the sublime in art. Kant questions how can some one judge an object before knowing how to properly judge that object and how do they know what proper mind is? Longinus in part of his critique implies that man can go beyond his limitations as a human being by experiencing emotions and language.The art or technical talents was described, as the human while the sublime was something that escaped our experie nce of art. Sublimity consists in a certain excellence and distinction in expression (Longinus, pg 100). To understand and chip in knowledge of the sublime, there needs to be a vague understanding of something that is beyond our experience or senses. He explains that there is more to the human familiar life because we feel this through the senses, but these senses be an incorrect interpretation caused by a physical perception as opposed to a work forcetal one.If you think about the sublime, it cannot be pictured or imagined but we have translated and suggested through the arts and poetry. Longinus tells us that nature is the creative and the first principle of the sublime and what follows is a matter luck and good mentors. In Goodbye Lenin, a German film directed by Wolfgang Becker, Lenin tries to hide the unification of Germany during the 1990s from his set about who was in a coma throughout those months and has to stay in bed. He successfully conned her into thinking nothing had changed by using tricks like old harvest-home bottles and filming his own news broadcasts.This film successfully executes the idea of the sublime in what was going on between his mother and the rest of the gentlemans gentleman. Our faults spring from the homogeneous place as our virtues. (Longinus)She believed everything around her was real and time had not changed but the people around her were well aware that this was a deception of reality. The way in which Lenin weed the same world and reality his mother had always known is overwhelming to the senses and questions what is really for real? Burke believes that the ideas of pain and joy cannot be defined, but pleasure of every kind satisfies quickly.He goes on to say that there are two kinds of pleasure the first that simply is and has no relation and the second that cannot exist without relation. The film has preserved and stopped time that defies nature and in reality cannot be done. The son is so scared and terrified th at his mother get out come apart that he tries to please her by keeping the world exactly the same. This terror is the source of sublime because it creates the most emotion and he imagines the worst. The fear that his mother will die has caused him to be terrified. It explores different areas of the mind by letting her believe this lie.His mother would not survive the fact that everything she has believed in had crumbled while she was asleep and that the world she once knew was suddenly a capitalistic society that now included Burger king, Pepsi and Coca-Cola. Lenin did not want to devastate his mother and cause another heart endeavour so he had to make everything appear, as it always was wile the outside world was growing and expanding at such an accelerated rate. The kitsch setting of the typical German 1989 apartment filled with yellow flowered wallpaper and dark wood furniture brings calmness to his communist mother.The film captures the nature of humans and their strong aff able beliefs and how it can affect the human psyche. Burke believes that terror is the source of the sublime and that pain is the more powerful than pleasure. Lyotard believes that pain is not the end point, there is the presence of pain to pleasure In Joseph Turners Impressionistic painting titled Slave Ship, he has created a seen of vastness that relates to the Kantian sublime but moreover he has demonstrated the use of color and dynamic composition to create a sense of horror.The brushstrokes give a natural look to the painting and the seemingly unknowing brushstrokes create an organized composition. We are aesthetically pleased when we look at the painting because an overwhelming response is experienced when looking at the picture. Burke believed that the bewitching was very different from the sublime. All privation is great because they are all terrible Vacuity, darkness, solitude, and silence. Low and intermittent sounds and shadows bring about feelings of the sublime. Abov e all, the actions of the mind are affected by the sublime. The way in which Turner has used rough brush strokes and lots of contrast between moods and contrasting colors creates the Sublime as opposed to the Beautiful. The use of purple and blue shadows that cast over the foggy night, the bloodline skyline, the flaming enraged sea and the insignificant ship create a sense of horror. The Sublime is experienced in this painting because it is detached from the actual danger of being in an actual situation and rather experienced through the visual arts and poetry in its overwhelming vastness. There is a sense of elation and intimidation when traveling through the painting.Thomas Coles Landscape with Tree Trunks create a struggle to be able to understand what is being implied. It drop deads uninviting to the viewer as the scary head trunks in the foreground block our path into the painting and we get further into hardly for our view to be blocked again because of the mountains that c ome respectable into the middle part. The painting does not accommodate to human feelings. These are sublime components such as the scary trees, the contrasting light and dynamic sky create frustration in entering the painting make us feel that we are not welcomed and that we are in a wilderness that we cannot control.The overwhelming tree and sky not only creates and unexplained phenomena but also implies that time and power of nature is vast and infinite and these unpredictable forces can in themselves become sublime. The painting composition seems to have been distorted by Cole yet it feels genuine and believable. In the Pianist directed by Roman Polanski we are just to knowing the reality of the actual circumstance of Jewish victims trapped in a concentration camp but we still enjoy the horrific actions taken against them caused by the overwhelming power of human nature.We are awed, disgusted and in disbelief by the question How can human beings do such things? There is no e xplanation for the communication of passion, but it is concluded through the experience or premonitions of others. (Burke) there is no way to rationalize how the Jews were treated during this time of despicable and we cant even fathom such events to reoccur, but it still exists today. The pain and suffering that we experience as a witness is subliminal and in cannot be justified. Within the film Szpilman is able to detach from the war and all the pain and suffering he has experienced by playing the piano. When different men have a common faith in the object of admiration we come to the Sublime (Longinus). Szpilman creates his own sublime world through the piano. He creates a stimulus of powerful and inspired emotion and he seems to be dignified and elevated when playing the piano, not guilty or ashamed for being a Jew. His talent brings even his worst enemies to respect him and be in completely awestruck by his music breaking all boundaries of human laws and standards and elevating itself to a more higher place that is universal. The unknown and unbound is created in the film when everyone is awestruck and in total admiration of the music.In the end, art has the vastness that allows the mind to be free of obstacles of distraction. Basically, I understand Kant in his way of thinking of art as a way of means to letting the senses experience a feeling far greater than the everyday ordinary life and sublimity only exists in our minds and not in nature, and if we are conscious of this we can become superior to nature within and to nature which does exists without us. Lyotard explains that art should work with no rules and that it therefore cannot be judged and instead be combined and pluralized.Longinus explains that the human is the technical aspect of art while the sublime is the existential part of the human psyche that goes beyond our experience of art. Burkes modern view of sublimity in art can only be experienced through actual knowledge an actual experienc e where things are only recreated and reordered. He thinks that death and fear are feelings of the sublime and that what one might expect is very different to what actual really happens and that expectation creates fear which in turn makes us unreasonable and therefore brings about the sublime.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Man Who Was Almost A Man

Richard Wrights The Man Who Was Al to the highest degree a Man is a story of a 17-year-old teenaged boy, Dave, who wanted to be called a only grown up man.He was though approaching adulthood provided still was an adolescent and he was viewed as an adolescent and a kid by the adults. This was the most annoying factor for him. However, Dave possessed certain qualities that really represented childish behavior in him. Because of his childish attitude many people wont believe in him as a grown up mature man.The story themes are centered on racial differences, poverty and sufferings of a obscure youth. Hes disgusted at macrocosm still too young. He wants to get old and rich and wanted to work a estimable citizen of the society. However, whatever actions the emotional and anxious kid takes are ridiculed and makes him younger in adults eyes. David Glover was from a poor family with not enough resources to develop a social status. He lacked economical influence and his social status wa s negligible because of poverty.In the story he acted in a way to acquire power but was rebuked and threatened by the adults for behaving childishly. He takes the gun to make and think of himself more powerful. It was empty if anybody could shoot a gun, he could. He put the gun into his pelvis pocket and started across the fields. When he reached the top of a ridge he stood straight and proud in the moonlight, looking at Jim Hawkins big white house, touch sensation the gun sagging in his pocket. (Wright)Whut yuh do wid tha gun? his mother asked.What wuz he doin wida gun? his father asked.He was obsessed with the feelings of adulthood. He finally decides to get asunder from a society that does not accept him as an adult. Dave is portrayed as an emotional kid who wants power, fame and high social status. He strives that the society should accept him as a noble man.Dave turned and walked slowly. He heard people laughing. Dave glared his eyes welling with tears. Hot anger bubbled in him. Then he swallowed and stumbled on. (Wright) Though people use to laugh on him he was still very serious regarding his actions and to be a man.That night Dave did not sleep. He was glad that he had gotten out of kill the mule so easily, but he was hurt. (Wright)Hes a kind of emotional, childish and lacked an understanding that why was he not accepted as a man.Richard Wright himself as a black narrates the difficulties he encounters as a black person while dealing with whites. He encountered whites during is professional career at jobs. He noticed violence and discrimination against blacks.Wright is a deliberate man who struggles through his life years. Other characters in the stories are also vibrant and well-drawn but Wright is shown as the most powerful and influential of all. As we go through the complete book we get more familiar with his character and how hes being hurt. His pain is that why such dishonesty persist in this world.Most of the black characters are usually rid iculed for any of their set backs or made the point of humor. Theyre shown as fat and whatever they do as funny. American culture is filled up with racial discrimination from school, education, and business to film, media, screen and shows. Color has become an integral part of our society and we dont have much to talk about if we would no discriminate between colors and whites as inferiors and supers respectively.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Australian Legal Studies Student Tutorial Book Semester 2

Australian judicial philosophyful Studies student Tutorial playscript Semester 2 2013 ? Australian reasoned Studies head for the hills Semester Two Tutorial Format 1 session of 1. 5 hours duration per cal barar week There is one tutorial session for each one week and each session will focus on topics from the previous weeks lecture. For testple, in week 2 the tutorial will discuss topics covered in the lecture for week 1. The topics for each weeks lecture and the reading you atomic number 18 evaluate to do for that lecture are set erupt in the Outline and Reading Guide. As well as reading from the set textbooks you besides need to read the additional readings and resource materials for each unit.These materials are located in the separate Legal Studies Supplementary Material booklet which accompanies this Tutorial Program. The questions which you will discuss or present in your tutorials are listed in this Tutorial Program. Before each tutorial you must(prenominal) com plete the suggested reading for that week and then prepare formal, write answers to the questions. You are expected to spot an active part in these tutorials by discussing the topics and by raising questions. You will also be given regular writing and a team oral task to complete in tutorials and are expected to summons to resolved cases in your answers.It is essential that you prepare for these tutorials by completing both the reading and writing tasks. This will ensure your success in the program. UNSW initiation Studies 1 ALS Tutorial curb Semester 2 Australian Legal Studies Course Outcomes Rationale Australian Legal Studies introduces students to the Australian constitutional and intelligent framework. It assumes no previous k instantaneouslyledge. The course examines some detail of the major topic areas that students can expect to encounter at undergraduate level.Students will gain a take a leak awareness of the important institutions and processes in the Australian an d Global efficacious environment and be exposed to current political and legal issues. Content Outcomes At the end of the course successful students will have developed an ? catch of the origins and sources of Australian and global law ? understanding of comparative legal systems and the responses of domestic law to world(prenominal) challenges ? awareness of how cultural differences impact upon the legal system ? appreciation of the impact of law on everyday life and on billet motions understanding of basic legal terminology and concepts ? ability to analyse legal cases and apply the law to a range of situations ? awareness of the complexity of legal issues in the planetary business environment and in the world of e-commerce ? awareness of a variety of difference of opinion resolution processes in Australia and from a global perspective UNSW nates Studies 2 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 Skills Outcomes At the end of the course successful students should be ? competent in bo th oral and written side of meat language communication skills demand for successful undergraduate study proficient in using a range of communication technologies ? able to think critically and analyse problem resolving power questions in legal studies ? able to engage in independent and reflective learning ? proficient in locating and using information from a variety of sources ? able to work in groups and teams ? familiar with teaching and learning styles at Australian universities ? able to behave ethically and take responsibility for their own actions and educational outcomes ? effective at task and time management ? aware of different cultures and understand alternative viewpoints UNSW ass Studies 3ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 Student Assessment in Australian Legal Studies measuring Program Assessment schedule Item Duration Weighting Semester 1 exam 1. 5 hours 30% Final exam (Sem. 2 topics only) 2. 5 hours 60% Tutorial preparedness & Participation Full year 10 % (2 x 5%) UNSW tush Studies 4 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 Semester 1 Exam Weighting 30% This assessment item examines all units from Semester One. Normally a semester examination consists of multiple choice items and short written responses similar to those asked as tutorial questions. The semester exam covers semester 1 units only. Final Exam Weighting 60%This inquiry covers all units from Semester Two. Normally the Final Examination consists of multiple choice questions, short written responses and longer essay answers. The final exam covers semester 2 units only. Tutorial Preparation/Participation Weighting 10 %( 2x 5 % per semester) Marks are allocated according to a variety of criteria relating to students overall tutorial performance. Some of these criteria might include ? the pure tone of written answers prepared for tutorials and quality of graded writing tasks ? individual oral presentations on particular tutorial questions as nominated by the tutor ? o-operation and willingness to enrol in and at times lead discussion on particular tutorial questions as nominated by the tutor ? evidence of completion of the required and additional reading ? punctuality and attendance UNSW Foundation Studies 5 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 Australian Legal Studies Oral Presentation Student Feedback Sheet Student name / tutorial group Grading Criteria Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Organisation Evidence of intend Content Relevant and accurate Quality Explanation of legal issues and concepts Discussion Facilitated and responded to class questions DeliveryConfidence, clarity, resources mapd Time Frame Kept within time topical anaestheticise 5-10 min Additional Comments by Tutor Overall Grade Date Signature of Tutor UNSW Foundation Studies 6 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 Required Textbooks KEY TO REFERENCES Alderson P (2006) Legal Dictionary for Australians,2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, Sydney. Note Students are expected to consecrate ongoing use of their diction ary. Carvan, John (2010) Understanding the Australian Legal System 6th ed. impartialitybook Co. Sydney Chew Charles YC (2008) Business Law Guidebook 1st ed Oxford Melbourne Australia Australian Legal Studies Supplementary Material RELEVANT http//www. eo. gov. au (Parliamentary procreation office) http//www. aph. gov. au (Australian Parliament House) http//www. hcourt. gov. au (High Court of Australia) http//www. austlii. edu. au (Aust. Legal Information Institute) http//www. lawlink. nsw. gov. au (NSW Courts and Tribunals) http//www. ipaustralia. gov. au (Intellectual Property Australia) http//www. ahtcc. gov. au (Aust. High Tech. Crime spirit) http//www. acia. org. au (Aust. Centre International Commercial arbitrement) http//www. law. unsw. edu. au/centres/klc( Kingsford legal centre UNSW) http//www. comlaw. gov. au (Commercial law) http//www. business. ov. au ( Business Law) http//www. australian twitchlaw. com (contract aw) http//www. flyingsolo. com. au ( sole mongers) UNSW Foundation Studies 7 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 Semester 2 Outline and Reading Guide Unit manner of speaking topics Reading for Tutorials 1 Introduction to Commercial Law Legal framework for the operation of a business Alternative business structures Obligations of business owners Chew ch 9 Carvan p. 194-198 SM Corporations Law Concept of legal personality and the corporate veil ( Salomon case) Advantages and disadvantages of internalization Role and responsibility of company directors (ASIC v Adler)Remedies for break down of transaction 3 heedlessness 1 Tort of thoughtlessness Donoghue v Stevenson Duty of reverence-neighbour principle Standard of care reasonable person test Causation but for test Remoteness of damage 4 Chew ch. 8 Carvan ch. 8 SM carelessness 11 Liability for negligent misstatement and pure scotch detriment Liability of professional advisers Vicarious liability Defences-Contributory negligence Voluntary assumption of risk 5 Chew chs 10 &11 Carvan p. 194- 198 SM Chew ch. 8 Carvan ch. 8 SM Contracts I Nature of contract law Elements of a contract Offer and acceptance Competition and Consumer cultivate UNSW Foundation Studies Chew ch. 2 Carvan ch. 7 SM ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 Unit Lecture topics 6 Reading for Tutorials Contracts II Intention to create legal traffic Consideration Remedies for breach of contract 7 International Sales Contracts 1 Contracts and International Trade Vienna Convention of CISG How to negotiate and carry out an export contract 8 SM International Sales Contracts 11 grapheme Studies excerption of Law rules Proper Law Private International law 9 SM Resolving Business Disputes ADR methods used in commercial disputes Case Study-International business dispute 10 Chew ch. 7 Carvan p. 85-87 Intellectual Property LawIntellectual Property (IP) concepts IP protection- Aust. and International UGG boots case study 11 SM Carvan p. 201-204 E-Commerce and the Law Case Study- Gutnick v Dow Jones Legal Challenges for th e future e. g. identity theft Contracting on-line Cybercrime- defamation, prank, piracy. 12 13 Chew chs 3&4 Carvan ch. 7 SM & Chew ch. 7 SM Revision Revision units for Exams M. C. & essay writing skills Review of Sample Exams Sample Exam Booklet Final Exam UNSW Foundation Studies 9 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 1 Introduction to Commercial Law Week 2 The succeeding(a) footing and concepts must be understood in the context of the tutorial.You should provide written definitions of these concepts. commercial law business entity sole trader partnership franchise company Prepare answers to the following questions using paragraph form. 1. What is the scope of commercial law? How do business and the law work together? (Give an example) 2. Mr. Lee wants to establish a twisting business. He seeks your advice roughly different types of business structures. What are the alternative business structures he may consider? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the following alternativ e business structures? ? Sole trader ? Partnerships ? Franchise . When establishing a business, what are some of the legal obligations of a business owner? physical composition confinement What is commercial law? exempt some of the legal obligations of the business owner when establishing and operating business. Student Presentation enquire 2 UNSW Foundation Studies 10 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 2 Corporations law Week 3 The following terms and concepts must be understood in the context of the tutorial. You should provide written definitions of these concepts. corporation corporate personality curb liability unlimited liability corporate veil fiduciary relationship shareholder irector perpetual succession Prepare answers to the following questions using paragraph form. 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of incorporation? 2. Discuss the legal principle of the corporate veil and in your answer refer to the case of Salomon v Salomon & Co. Ltd (1897) UK. 3. When would t he court lift or issue the corporate veil? (give examples in your answer) 4. Explain the duties of Mr. Lee as a director of Lee Constructions Ltd. What remedies could the court impose for a breach of these duties? (In your answer refer to ASIC v Adler (2002) Writing Task What is the corporate veil?Explain the circumstances under which the corporate veil could be lifted. (In your answer refer to a inflexible case) Student Presentation Question 4 UNSW Foundation Studies 11 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 3 Negligence 1 Week 4 The following terms and concepts must be understood in the context of the tutorial. You should provide written definitions of these concepts. tort negligence duty of care standard of care reasonable (person) test causation but for test remoteness of damage defence Prepare answers to the following questions using paragraph form. 1. Explain the elements of negligence. 2.Discuss the element of duty of care developed in the landmark case of Donoghue v Stevenson (1932) . Refer to Lord Atkins definition of Who is my neighbour? 3. Mr. Lee was having a business eat at a hotel in Sydney with a client who bought him a can of beer. After drinking some of its contents, he found a fly in the can. When he saw it, he became quite ill. He decides to sue for compensation. The manufacturer claims that it does not owe the man any duty of care because it did not transmit the drink to him. Instead the publican should be liable because he sold the can to him. (i) let on the type of tort and relevant precedent case. (ii)If you were the judge, what decision would you make in this case? Explain the ratio of your decision. What are the possible civil defences? (iii) 4. Explain the element of breach of duty with reference to the following cases Bolton v pitfall and Paris v Stepney Borough Council Writing Task What is negligence? Explain briefly the elements which the plaintiff must prove to be successful in a negligence action. (In your answer refer to decided case s) Student Presentation Question 3 UNSW Foundation Studies 12 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 4 Negligence 11 Week 5 The following terms and concepts must be understood in the context of the tutorial.You should provide written definitions of these concepts. negligent misstatement pure economic handout contributory negligence voluntary assumption of risk vicarious liability Mr. Lee has, for many years, operated a construction business in Sydney. He decided to expand his business but realised that to do so he would need to borrow a significant amount of money. Mr. Lee went to his local branch of the Oright cuss to ask for a loan. He spoke to Barlow, the branch manager. The Oright posit has an established practice of giving free financial advice to members of the public. Barlow advised Mr.Lee that the Oright Bank would not grant him a loan and that in any event Mr. Lees best course of action would be to borrow Swiss francs from the Bank of Geneva. The Bank of Geneva was lending Swiss f rancs at a much lower rate than Mr. Lee would have to pay if he borrowed Australian dollars. Acting on this advice, Mr. Lee borrowed one hundred thousand Swiss francs from the Bank of Geneva. Soon after Mr. Lee took out his loan the Australian dollar fell heavily against the Swiss franc. As a result of that fall, Mr. Lee must now repay, in dollar terms, twice as much as his original loan. Mr.Lee now claims that Barlow was negligent in not warning him of the risks of currency fluctuation and in not advising him to take out insurance to protect himself from those risks. He wishes to take legal action against the Oright Bank to recover his loss. Write a report to advise Mr. Lee of his chances of success based on the tort of negligence. (In your answer refer to decided cases such as Hedley Byrne, Shaddock, Esanda. ) You will need to consider these issues a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Is the Oright Bank liable for damage caused by Barlows negligence? Did Mr. Lee suffer pure economic loss? Does t he Oright Bank owe Mr.Lee a duty of care? If so, has the Bank breached its duty? If so, did the banks breach cause Mr. Lees loss? Is Mr. Lees loss too remote? What are possible defences which the Oright bank can argue? Writing Task (Mandatory) Connie case (provided by tutor) Student Presentation None UNSW Foundation Studies 13 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 5 Contracts 1 Week 6 The following terms and concepts must be understood in the context of the tutorial. You should provide written definitions of these concepts. offer acceptance agreement contract invitation to treat breach Competition and Consumer Act 2010Prepare answers to the following questions using paragraph form. 1. Identify and discuss the essential elements of a valid contract. (In your answer distinguish betwixt simple and formal contracts under seal) 2. Explain the rules of offer and acceptance. (In your answer distinguish between an offer and an invitation to treat) 3. Analyse the case of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Bal l Co 1893. Discuss the facts, issue, arguments of both sides and decision in this case. Consider the relevance of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (previously the Trade Practices Act) S18 if the case was being heard today. 4.Mr. Lee sees the following advertisement in a magazine Use Hair Loss Restorer insouciant for 10 weeks and your hair will regrow to its original thickness, if not a full refund is guaranteed Mr. Lee purchases the product, uses it as directed, however his hair continues to fall out He claims a refund but the company refuses to pay. Advise Mr. Lee as to his rights under the Law of Contract. (In your answer refer to one decided case) Writing Task Bargain Stores case study (provided by the tutor) Student Presentation Question 4 UNSW Foundation Studies 14 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 6 Contracts 11 Week 7The following terms and concepts must be understood in the context of the tutorial. You should provide written definitions of these concepts. intention to crea te legal relations consideration remedy damages specific performance Prepare answers to the following questions using paragraph form. 1. How important is intention to enter into legal relations in contracts? Refer to Balfour v Balfour (1919) and Merritt v Merritt (1970) in your answer. 2. Explain the difference between adequate and sufficient consideration. Refer to decided cases. 3. Where there has been a breach of contract, what remedies are available to the innocent party? Refer to examples in your answer) 4. Mr. Lee has lost his dog and has placed an advertisement in the local newspaper go to pay a reward of $50 to anyone who finds his dog, Spot. Bob, who has not seen the advertisement, finds Spot. He reads Spots collar and returns the dog to Mr. Lee. Is Bob entitled to the reward? Don has also lost his dog and similarly places an advertisement notifying a reward. He offers $100 for the return of his dog, Fido. Harry, the local dog catcher (whose job involves retrieving and imp ounding stray dogs and readily notifying their owners), sees the advertisement.Later Harry finds Fido and returns him to Don. Is Harry entitled to the reward? Writing Task Coming of Age Designs case study (provided by tutor) Student Presentation Tutorial Question 4 UNSW Foundation Studies 15 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 7 International Sales Contracts 1 Week 8 The following terms and concepts must be understood in the context of the tutorial. You should provide written definitions of these concepts. proper law Vienna Sales Convention(CISG) conflict of laws private International Law Prepare answers to the following questions using paragraph form. 1. What are the 3 basic legal questions for Mr.Lee to consider when entering into a contract with an overseas supplier of machinery for his construction company? 2. What are the aims and main provisions of the Vienna Sales Convention (CISG)? 3. Explain the different types of contracts which can be used for international sales of goods and operate. 4. Explain the special features of international sales contracts. (In your answer refer to examples) Writing Task What is an international sales contract? Explain briefly the basic legal questions which must be considered when entering into an international sales contract. Student Presentation Tutorial Question 2 UNSW Foundation Studies 6 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 8 International Sales Contracts 11 Week 9 The following terms and concepts must be understood in the context of the tutorial. You should provide written definitions of these concepts. fundamental breach damages garner of credit nachfrist notice Prepare answers to the following questions using paragraph form. 1. What are the key issues to consider when problem solving a dispute over an international sales contract? 2. Discuss the following cases in terms of proper law of the contract Oceanic cheer Line Special Shipping v Fay (1988) Amin Rasheed Shipping Corp. v Kuwait Ins Co (1984) 3.Explain the possible remed ies for a breach of an international sales contract. 4. Lee Constructions Ltd. an Australian company, entered into a contract with Cologne Park Pty. Ltd. a German manufacturer of cranes, to purchase two new machines. The parties agreed that the payment would be by letter of credit but at the time of shipment the buyer had not obtained any letter of credit. Advise the seller as to their legal rights. Writing Task Jill and Wen case study (provided by the tutor) Student Presentation Tutorial Question 3 UNSW Foundation Studies 17 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 9 Resolving Business Disputes Week 10The following terms and concepts must be understood in the context of the tutorial. You should provide written definitions of these concepts. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) Negotiation Mediation Conciliation Arbitration Independent expert appraisal Litigation Aust. Commercial Disputes Centre (ACDC) Aust. Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA) Prepare answers to the followin g questions using paragraph form. 1. What is a commercial dispute? (In your answer refer to examples) 2. Lee Constructions Ltd. has a dispute with a supplier of concrete which is necessary to complete a new building in the city.He may experience a loss of $5 million if the building is not established on time. Outline possible methods which could be used to settle this dispute. 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ADR methods when used in the resolution of a consumer dispute between a landlord and a tenant? 4. What would be some of the problems of using litigation to settle an international commercial dispute? What are the advantages of Arbitration? Writing Task What is ADR? What would be some of the problems of using litigation to settle a consumer dispute between a builder and a customer? Student Presentation Tutorial Question 2UNSW Foundation Studies 18 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 10 Intellectual Property Law Week 11 The following terms and concepts must be understood in the context of the tutorial. You should provide written definitions of these concepts. bright property (IP) copyright trademark trade secret patent registered design IP Australia encroachment Prepare answers to the following questions using paragraph form. 1. What is Intellectual property? Give examples of different types. (In your answer refer to the UGG BOOT case study) 2. How can an effective intellectual property management strategy give Lee Constructions a competitive advantage? . Lee Constructions have expanded operations overseas and seek advice about international IP protection. How can the company protect its IP assets overseas? 4. Lee Constructions Ltd. have launched ? a new trademark, ? a new chemical which fast-flying dries poured concrete, ? a new aluminium pylon, ? a software package for a design of buildings. Advise the company as to how it can prevent competitors from copying these IP assets. What possible remedies may be available for infringement? Writing Ta sk How can an effective IP strategy improve the market share and pull in of a company? Student Presentation Tutorial Question 4Internet Sites http//www. ipaustralia. gov. au http//www. copyright. org. au http//www. wipo. org UNSW Foundation Studies 19 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 11 E- Commerce & the Law Week 12 The following terms and concepts must be understood in the context of the tutorial. You should provide written definitions of these concepts. cybercrime defamation fraud contracts on-line identity theft Prepare answers to the following questions using paragraph form 1. Mr. Lee is a victim of identity theft and has money retreat from his bank accounts without his knowledge. How does the law in Australia deal with these types of offences? . Discuss the legal issue in Gutnick v Dow Jones & Co Inc (2002) and possible legal remedies. 3. Why is increasing use of the internet providing legal challenges to business? (give examples in your answer) 4. When engaging in e-commerce, wh at issues should be considered when entering into contracts on-line? Writing Task Explain the legal issue and entailment of the decision in Gutnick v Dow Jones & Co. Inc. Student Presentation Tutorial Question 4 UNSW Foundation Studies 20 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 12 & 13 Revision Week 13 Revision ? Review of sample examinations ? Multiple choice questions Exam essay writing ? Using precedents UNSW Foundation Studies 21 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 UNSW Foundation Studies 22 ALS Tutorial Book Semester 2 UNSW Foundation Studies UNSW Foundation Studies UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 Australia Telephone 61 2 9385 5396 Facsimile 61 2 9662 2651 Email foundation. emailprotected edu. au Web www. ufs. unsw. edu. au UNSW Foundation Studies is an education group of UNSW Global Pty Limited, a not-for-profit provider of education, training and consulting services and a wholly owned enterprise of the University of New South Wales ABN 62 086 418 582 CRICOS

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Mitochondrial Diseases

Mitochondrial Diseases are very diverse. Specialized organelles in every cell of the body (only red ocellus cells lack mitochondria). Mitochondria generate more than 90% of the energy required by the body. Mitochondrial dysfunction depletes cells of energy causing cell damage and even cell death. due to the high energy requirements of brain and muscle, mitochondrial disease typically affect these parts of the body causing Brain and Muscle disease. Other organs are much affected including eye, ears, heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidney, endocrine system, nd blood.The diseases predominantly affect children, but adult-onset disorders are being recognized with increasing frequency. Mitochondria are unique organelles because they are the products of their possess genetic material and nuclear DNA. Therefore, mitochondrial diseases are caused by mutations in either mtDNA or nuclear DNA. Mitochondrial diseases are often difficult to diagnose and therefore, it is important for patients to be evaluated at a medical center with appropriate expertise.Physical examination and laboratory tests are necessary to characterize involvement of various organs and to reach the be diagnosis. Laboratory studies typically include blood tests, brain MRI or CT scans, heart tests, ophthalmological and neurological evaluations. Finally, genetic testing of blood, urine, or muscle is performed to complete the exact mutation responsible for a specific disease. Treatment of mitochondrial diseases is limited. Therapies to treat specific symptoms and signs of mitochondrial diseases are very important.For example, in mitochondrial patients, epilepsy typically responds to anti-convulsant drugs while insulin and other normal treatments are effective for diabetes mellitus. Retinitis pigmentosa is an inherited mitochondrial condition that involves both eyes. If it starts in one eye,it usually moves to the next eye. There are about 75,000 people in the coupled States with retini tis pigmentosa (RP). Since retinitis pigmentosa begins as rod degeneration, the patient first notices increasing difficulty in night wad, followed by ifficulty seeing in the periphery.Slowly progressive constriction of the visual depicted object leads to tunnel vision. A small area of central vision in both eyes usually persists for years. Generally night blindness precedes tunnel vision by years or even decades. Total blindness eventually ensues in most cases. For years, vitamin A therapy has been recommended for many RP patients, based on research go out back to the early 1990s. , it has been the only treatment found that slows the RP process. Mitochondrial Diseases By eliJahcolas1

Monday, May 20, 2019

The paper shall proceed by providing

The paper shall proceed by providing a fat and concise introduction of amazon. ae so that a foundation can be naturalised in order to follow further on with an elaboration upon the numerous fundamental internal and creation aspects that can influence the success of the brand. It is essential to highlight here that there atomic number 18 certain suppositions that make water been made in the paper. However, in order to add originality to the development of the paper, it is affectful to highlight at this level off that the paper has considered amazon. ae to be a UAE version of the well known website, amazon. com and shall proceed with knowledge acquired from sources that have canvass the same in the past.virago. ae Amazon. ae is the worlds largest online retailing organization that generates revenues worthy of envy even from the toughest name in the business. It was founded in the year 1994, and the initial crossroad it offered online was an online bookstore, however as the y ears progressed it branched turn up into various product lines and brand extensions. The various product lines it adopted beneath the shade of its vast comprehensive were VHS, CDs DVDs, furniture, toys, apparel, electronics and many others.It is due to the eventful branching out of various product lines that Amazon. ae is the most famous, easily get atible, reliable where deliveries are concerned and constitutes a large number of clientele that it maintains to its credit. delinquent to the difference in product lines and the necessity of marketing in regions where the products were most needed it was extremely necessary that its online information be easily available in all conspicuous regions of the world where easy access would be the name of the game (Rich).Therefore it has established different websites in many different regions like, The United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, France, Dubai, mainland China and Japan. Due to its ultimate success in whatever product it adopted, a n ecessary survey and critique was carried which yielded a result that claimed that Amazon. ae was the favorite music and video retailer in the UK and held third position in all some global retail rankings. Although its Headquarters are in Dubai, Amazon. ae has many regional offices around the globe, which makes its services easily accessible.This way the consumers if facing any difficulties, find Amazon. ae headquarters close at present where they can review their situation and find solutions at the customer representatives helpline and helpdesk. This serves to make Amazon not only a web based organization that would face suspicions of fraud and mistrust, but a tangible organization with a solid background and reputation. Apart from its offices Amazon. ae has adopted many software houses to service in its numerous features, these are located within the Indian, Chinese and USA locale.Amazon. ae not only provides retail selling services but also provides fulfillment warehousing ser vices for various globally reputed companies in the following regions like Delaware, Phoenix, Nevada, Kentucky, Texas etc. Amazon. ae recognizes the ultimate necessity of customer and client feedback. It has established a highly efficient customer review monitoring system which monitors customer feedback, recommendations and complaints so as to leave no room for mishaps. If any negative comment is recorded, immediate action is taken to rectify the error.It is due to the caveat and care with which Amazon. ae performs its duties that it is reputed as the most reliable and trustworthy web based organization with efficiency that rivals a tangible organization with tangible services. The customer reviews monitoring system is not the only extent that Amazon. ae has bypast to, it has further established means for each and every customer to actually rate and comment on each product that the customer favors or shows interest in to buy. This way on a outgo of 1 to 10, offers prod ucts of limitless contrives, from something as cheap as a set of tarot cards and babys toys to intricate electronic appliances, all based on the customers likes, dislikes, needs, wants and economy of income. A fact of importance, Amazon. ae customers need not possess separate accounts all accounts to be held by any customer of Amazon. ae are handled and well-kept by Amazon. ae itself. This is a feature that provides Amazon with a distinct edge, at least an edge oer eBay. StrategyIn order to develop a concrete marketing, it is essential to follow the approach that pertains to the four Ps which elaborate upon the price, promotion, and product and positioning of the brand. These four allow the complete, concise and concrete analysis and determination of the scheme that a brand should be subjected to during its development and launching. It is for the same reason that the following paragraphs shall elaborate upon the possibilities that amazon. ae can practice in light of the introduc tion to amazon. ae that has been presented above. PriceIn terms of price, it is necessary to understand that amazon. ae is serving as a gross revenue person or as a middle man for a massive variety of products, in this regard, it is essential that in order to a pervert the occurrence of instances where website visitors who are potential website visitors choose to opt for some other internet based service to buy the same products that amazon. ae has to offer (McGraw-Hill). It is therefore essential that amazon. ae uses advertising quadrangle to generate the major part of its revenues and ensures that the products being offered on are of a price that the consumer does not get hold inconvenient in any way (Sweeney). If a consumer finds a cheaper copy of the same book or a version of the same jacket at a lesser price at other online store, there will be almost no chances that the consumer will not opt to save m unitaryy. In the same regard, it is just as essential to real ize that amazon. ae exists in a market where there are already a large number of players in the same field, and it is therefore imperative that offers one or the other augmented product or service that consumers cannot find or take advantage of from another(prenominal) online source (M. Gordon Hunter). Promotion With concern to promotion, it is necessary to see that amazon. ae will be known for its reputation as a web based portal through which consumers can attain their desired products rather than as a commercial entity, it is therefore necessary to ensure that the promotion for amazon. ae is carried through the use of websites that users can be expected to switch to in the absence of amazon. ae. Hence, in technical terms, will be generating a void by introducing consumers to a web based portal where their multiple needs can be socialize in one go, and will then offer itself as the solution to fill that void. Product In terms of product, one cannot help but ac cept the fact that having established credibility and reliability, amazon. ae has an opportunity to sustain the Mark & Spencer of online stores. It is therefore important to realize that amazon. ae offers itself as one product that brings a vast range of commodities in access (Rich). It is therefore necessary to ensure that is introduced and its reputation is maintained to be that of a complete package rather than that of a link to other links. Position Internet based services much(prenominal) as amazon. ae is currently providing a successful blend of products and services that enable them to attract a wide range of consumers. The can position themselves in a manner that enables them to appeal to consumers from all segments and industries from the society. Perhaps the one factor that contributes to this aspect the most significantly is that with the help of a single drop down menu, websites much(prenominal) as can direct the website visitors to the precise are as of the website where they can find their desired product, hence allowing amazon. ae to position itself in a manner that is somewhat compatible with as many consumer segments as possible. Works Cited M. Gordon Hunter, Felix B. Tan. Advanced Topics in Global Information Management. Pennsylvania Idea Group Inc, 2002. McGraw-Hill. Business week. California McGraw-Hill, 1998. Rich, Jason R. The unofficial guide to starting line a business online. New York John Wiley and Sons, 2006. Sweeney, Susan. 101 Ways to Promote Your Web Site. New York supreme Press, 2004.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Psychological Testing Essay

Psychological auditioning refers to as a field which is characterized by the go for of samples of behavior in to the way of generalizations of every give individual. In psychological testing, however, it is usually not possible to control all the extraneous variables, just now the fiction here is a useful one that forces us on the standardized procedures, on the eliminations of conflicting causes on experimental control and on the generation of hypotheses that can be further investigated. Thus, psychological testing a narrower concept referring to the psychometric aspects of a test.The actual administration and scoring of the test and the interpretation made of the scores. auditions Test is define as an objective and standardized mea sealed of a sample of behavior. objectivity is at to the lowest degree a theoretically, most aspects of a test such as how the test is scored and how the score is interpreted, are not a function of the subjective ending of a particular examiner but are establish on objective criteria. Standardization that is, no matter who administers scores and interprets the test, there is uniformity of procedure and a sample behavior.A test is not a psychological X-ray, nor does it necessarily reveal hidden conflicts and for-bidden wishes it is a sample of a persons behavior, hopefully a representative sample from which we can occupy some inferences and hypotheses. Tests are employ for a wide variety of purposes that can be subsumed under to a greater extent general categories. These categories include classification, self-understanding, program evaluation and scientific inquiry. (Kline, 2000).Major Categories of Tests ClassificationClassification involves a decision that a particular person belongs in a certain category, For example, based on test results we whitethorn assign a diagnosis to a patient, place a student in the introductory Spanish course rather than the intermediate or advanced course, or certify that a person has met t he borderline qualifications to practice medicine. Self-understanding Self-understanding involves using test information as a source of information about oneself. much(prenominal) information may already be available to the individuals, but not in a testicle way.For example, a student studying electrical engineering her high GRE scores confirm what she already knows, that she has the capability abilities required for graduate work. Program evaluation Program evaluation involves the use of tests to assess the effectiveness of a particular program or course of action. You have probably seen in the newspaper, tables indicating the average achievement test scores for various schools in your geographical area, with the scores often taken, perhaps incorrectly as show of the competency level of a particular school.Program offered by a mental health clinic, or the effectiveness of a new medication. Scientific inquiry If you glance through most professional journals in the social and be havioral sciences, you will find that a large majority of studies use psychological tests to operationally define relevant variables and to translate hypotheses into numerical statements that can be assessed statistically. (Kline, 2000).Major Users and Uses of these TestsTests are tools usually used by professionals to make what may possibly be some serious decisions about a leaf node thus twain test and the decision process involves a variety of ethical considerations to make sure that the decisions made are in the best interest of all concerned and that the process is carried out in a professional manner. There are serious concerns on the part of both psychologists and lay people, a about the nature of psychological testing and its potential misuse, as well as demands for increased use of tests. Kline, 2000).Concepts of Reliability and Validity The word reliability refers to the extent that a measure is relatively free or random error and is consistent in the heels assigned to objects or events while validity refers to whether the number obtained truly reflects what the user intended to measure. Therefore, validity requires reliability because validity is not a property of the measure, but instead it is to the truthfulness of the inferences that are drawn from the measure.However, a concept of reliability usually gives the accuracy of a measurement, while the concepts of validity it relates to the truthfulness of a measurement. The concepts of reliability and validity can be explain as when estimating parameters from some data with statistical methods, it is important to understand the uncertainty of parameters. The uncertainty comes from two sources sampling and touchstone the study units. Often the data is a (random) sample from a population. (Hoshmand, 1994).The first error then comes from put in the data and generalizing the results to a population level. Another source of error is present when measuring the study units when assessing the tone of t he collected and measured data set, we end up with questions Are we measuring the right thing? How close our measurements are? The former question leads us to the concept of validity which is the most important property of measurement. The last mentioned question is related to the concept of reliability.The concept of reliability and validity has a major impact in the field of psychological testing. this is because that since generalizability theory is for investigating and designing the reliable observations, thus, each has test score, a bingle true score, single reliability and validity coefficient and belong to one family of parallel observations, but the generalizability theory which serves both may produce error which is due to multiple scores. (Rush, First, & Blacker, 2008).

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Redgrove Axial Workshop Case Study

What Fontaine is exhausting to Achieve5 Ch separatelyenges of a New Position6 Corporate Culture6 axile Work memory board7 to a lower place the Sur award7 Use/Ab habit of sagacity8 Scope of the Problem10 Stakeholders10 Identification of accessible resources10 Ethical Principles Discussion 14 Consequentialist Theory14 Deontological Theory19 Virtue Ethics21 Recommendation23 References25 supplement A Picture of Ornament Found in Workshop Storage 26 appendage B Redgrove Monthly Plant Scap-Metal Sales, 27 12-Month Period Appendix C Excerpt from ITE law of strike28Appendix D Summary of Redgrove Records of Material29 Misappropriation Incidents and Sanctions, 1998-2007 Appendix E Consequentialist abstract extract A 30 (Do cypher) Appendix F Consequentialist analysis score Incident, 31 Request Guidance Appendix G Consequentialist Analysis Dont Report, 32 Handle Incident In-Ho engagement Appendix H Consequentialist Analysis Report Incident 33 plainly Recommend Actions and G ain Upper Management Buy-In Abstract This story addresses the h geniusst issues at Redgrove axile shop class.Marc Fontaine is the manager of the compressor manufacturing naval division at the Redgrove Plant, and has been on the job approximately superstar month when he discovers employees have been development club equipment to build ain decorative ornaments utilizing wish-wash natural which is norm completelyy sold to recycle companies. This pattern is against the conjunctions written code of conduct however, the shop class hirers knowledge of the put on and failure to prevent it has condoned the expression.The analysis of the honest problem begins by listing the facts of the parapraxis and defining the scope of the problem Fontaine is faced with. later on reviewing all the aspects of the case, four courses of action have been identified. A brief discussion of the three good dominions ordain lead us to our final testimonial of what Fontaine should do in prep are to resolve the ethical problems at hand, thereby providing makes to all stakeholders. Case Study Redgrove Axial WorkshopFacts of the Case Marc Fontaine has recently decease the manager of compressor manufacturing at Redgrove Axial Workshop, part of the International Technology and Electronics (ITE) Corporation. This em levelment is a temporary one as part of a larger ITE accelerated leadership program. After a month on the job, Fontaine discovers a number of ornaments (Appendix A) in the operationshops storehouse manner which appears to be made from the same strong used to make the compressors.Fontaine believes employees of his department whitethorn be development company somatics, comprised of wish-washs and surface shavings normally sold to a local recycle company (Appendix B) for individualised use and felt he needed to nonify the Manufacturing Director (Sam Collins) and Plant Director (Peter Garland) ab protrude the hazard. Upon get on investigating, Fonta ine discovers the practice of utilizing merchandise reals for individual(prenominal) use is against ITEs inscribe of Conduct and retaliate able by warnings, termination, withheld give, cruel charges, and suspension (Appendix C).Fontaine too acquired a list of previous incidents and related penaltys (Appendix D). Fontaine approaches Jim Page, a type beat foreman who supervises the Axial Workshop, ab discover the ornaments. Page states he has non teachn the objects in the supply room, and the person-to-personized work was infrequent and of belittled value because they were made of scrap. As far as he knew, employees made projects on their own quantify and he had never made an issue out of the practice because the workshop is Redgroves most originative unit.In revise to gain a better understanding of the practice, Page recommends Fontaine speak with Peter Kadosa, a workshop employee. Kadosa was a good worker, had a good attitude, and was moving to a new position on t he west Coast in January. Upon questioning aside the record, Kadosa provided the retraceing learning he was unsure of the history regarding the practice implied the more experienced and better craftsmen were involved and still occasionally would one of the workers ask him to set digression a bigger piece of scrap.Fontaine alike learned of the unwritten code of conduct in the workshop which applied to the gift / ornament making new square could not be used (scraps only) in the first place anyone started a project they were expected to obtain approval from one of the senior craftsmen selling projects was frowned upon and the plant foreman did not care to know about the practice. What Fontaine is Trying to Achieve Fontaine is aware the use of scrap material for personal projects is against the companys decree of Conduct and sense of smells obligated to report the misappropriation.However, he also observes how hygienic the workshops employees work together, how productive th ey are, and the existence of an unofficial code of conduct which is followed in regards to the practice of creating ornaments. He is torn on whether or not to bring attention to this practice because he wants workers to breed to work cost-efficiently and efficaciously and taking away(p) their projects may disrupt this however, he also wants to follow the rules and has an obligation to the company as well as to the employees in his division. Challenges of a New PositionWhat makes this berth more difficult for Fontaine is that he is new to the company and being in the accelerated leadership program, will most likely not be in his position for long. This adds to his dilemma because one of the biggest challenges when taking on a new position in a new organization is getting comfortable with the incarnate socialisation. When first joining an organization, an employee handbook is provided which dictates all of the dos and donts outlined by focussing only when the new employee ma y not immediately understand how closely the company actually follows these rules.In this case, Fontaine knows the rules nullify using scrap materials for personal use, but the corporate culture has allowed these projects to continue for a long menses of metre this places Fontaine in a precarious position considering his relatively short tenure (between one class and 18 months) does he attempt to change the well established but unwritten corporate culture, or does he condone the demeanour and allow his successor to deal with the ethical issues? Corporate Culture From the initial readings of the Case Study, the corporate culture of the workshop is one of Collaboration, or Clan culture.The workshop is an open place to work which accepts the employees as peers. Group allegiance is important, and an unofficial chain of command exists within the workshop with the more senior and talented employees being seen as the leaders and mentors to the newer, younger employees. In addition, t he better and more virtuoso(prenominal) craftsmen take the time to train others on the more difficult skills. Assuming the company proactively addresses the issue, the corporate culture will change to that of control, or hierarchical.Rules and procedures would be put in place based on the recommendation of Fontaine and buy-in from velocity wariness, whereby employees can practice their skills to become masters in their field, small-arm simultaneously maintaining workshop coherence and team spirit. Axial Workshop The Axial Workshop team is extremely effective. They are referred to as the AXE, and contribute 20% of the Redgrove Plants annual revenues and 23% of its operate margin. The AXE has been described as the most effective in the plant. The AXE team is known to be hard workers, and people rarely transfer out of the workshop.Senior workers work closely with junior workers showing them techniques they have developed and getting the junior workers acquainted to the workshop. Beneath the Surface Workshop employees use scrap metals from production of the compressors to produce personal ornaments made by utilizing company machinery. Employees work on these projects infrequently on their own time (off the clock). Workers have unwritten rules to the practice of personal work including projects must be approved by a senior craftsman, no new material can be used, projects cannot be made in vagabond to be sold, etc.In addition, the workshop foreman has condoned the behavior though he is aware of the practice, he has allowed it to continue employees believe the practice is acceptable. Use / Abuse of Discretion Discretion is the right to choose something, or to choose to do something, according to what seems most suitable in accordance with a bureau. However, this ingenuity can be soft abused especially when trouble condones or turns a contrivance eye towards behavior which may border on the unethical.For example, the workshops Foreman, Jim Page, has dogg ed to turn a blind eye to the practices going on within the workshop. Fontaine is now faced with the ethical problem and has the discretion to do something about it. The use or abuse of discretion can become a problem in many professions. The following are examples of professions use or abuse of discretion. 1) Banking (specifically lending) Banks have the discretion on whether or not to authorize a loan to a customer (based primarily on information such as income, use of loan endures, credit score, tot of current debt, etc).During the recent banking debacle, banks approved questionable loans (ie no income verification). 2) Police officers Generally have the discretion to indite a speeding ticket or not. This power is abused when the police officer frequently allows family and friends off without a ticket, even when they were speeding in excess of twice the speed limit. 3) Judges Have the discretion to approve a certain sentence (whether maximum or minimum). Power can be easily abused, as seen in class by the FBI presentation on white collar crimes and the amount of punishment doled out.Additionally, judges also rule on Social Security Disability cases a Wall pass Journal Article on 26NOV11 discusses the abuse of power by a certain judge who has only disallowed 4 cases out of over 1000 during the past year well beyond what is expected by the Social Security Administration 4) Retail managers have the authority to grant discounts to certain roots of personnel for example, Daves Cosmic Subs ordinarily gives discounts to police officers and firefighters in uniform, but certain managers will also provide a discount to members of the military, contrary to instruction provided by the chains owners. ) Commanders in the military have the discretion to dole out non-judicial punishment for small, minor offenses. Being both judge and jury, Commanders have the discretion to determine the punishment but occasionally, Commanders abuse this authority by not fitt ing the punishment to the crime (a requirement) resulting in the punishment being overturned upon appeal. Scope of the Problem Fontaine is faced with how to handle the misappropriation of the scrap materials and physical exertion of company machinery to support the practice. He is new to the company and is not yet familiar with the corporate culture.He wants his division to continue to run effectively and efficiently, but is concerned that bringing attention to the practice of making personal projects could disrupt his division. However, allowing the practice to continue could force Fontaine and his employees to face severe repercussions. Stakeholders in the Case Plant employees workshop employees Marc Fontaine (manager of compressor manufacturing) Jim Page (workshop foreman) Peter Kadosa (workshop employee) investors to the company and upper precaution of the plant (Sam Collins manufacturing director, and Peter Garland plant director). Identification of Available OptionsPrior to developing various options to deal with the dilemma, Fontaine should do the following ascertain with H/R to determine if a requirement exists when an employee is hired to review the Companys Code of Conduct if employees are undeniable to sign an acknowledgement after reviewing the Code of Conduct if employees are periodically required to conduct refresher teach on the Code of Conduct if employees are required to review the Code of Conduct upon transfer from different departments if the Code of Conduct is seated in public locations within the manufacturing plant any agreements between the union and the plant which may authorize employees to use scrap and company machinery for personal use and if violations of the Code of Conduct and related disciplinary actions are publicized or posted in public locations passim the factory.Once all of this information is ascertained, we can assess the available options1) Option A Do nothing.Fontaine could elect to do nothing, allowing emplo yees to continue the practice of occasionally using scrap metal for personal projects on company machinery and not report it to upper management. Staying silent would keep things as they are now with last employee morale, teamwork, and efficiency. However, if Fontaine decides not to say anything and upper management discover the practice, then Fontaine, Page, and the workers involved are all persuasible to sanctions.2) Option B -Report the incident to upper management and ask for guidance on how to proceed.This may be a viable option since Fontaine is unsure as to whether upper management approves of the practice in order to maintain high morale, combined with his short tenure as the manager of compressor manufacturing. However, management may feel negatively towards Fontaine for not providing recommendations on dealing with the practice specifically, that he is not ready to lead. But, as seen in Annex B, management has been fairly strict with similar violations in the past repor ting the practice may lead to unwanted investigations and punishment for workshop employees.3) Option C Fontaine does not report the incident but handles the situation in-house within the Axe. He can have a meeting with all employees in the workshop, and formulate the following a.The ITE Code of Conduct authorizes the use of production materials only for the exclusive use of advancing the delegacy of the ITE Corporation b. The list of infractions from 1998-2007 along with the associated sanctions c. The items discovered in the storage room, and the fact that though the activity was condoned before, it does not make the practice justifiable. However, because the activity was previously condoned, the new form _or_ system of government of not conducting personal work and utilizing material scraps and company machinery takes effect immediately d. The liability of the company should an employee become injured while workings on an ornamental piece while not in a paid status and e.Ma terial is purchased by ITE for a specific purpose, which ITE receives compensation from a recycling company for production scraps and the unlawful use of such material is in fact theft from the company Fontaine should then share the recycling amounts by poundage and dollar amounts. He should also explain that this material, even if small when compared to the total amount recycled, affects ITEs eternal rest sheet and therefore affects all employees in regards to honorarium and bonuses, as well ITEs owners (whether public or private). 4) Option D Report the incident to the Director of Manufacturing and the Plant Director, recommending a course of action on how to proceed within the Axe in order to gain upper management buy-in.This option allows for Fontaine to groom himself as a better leader, while showing management he is prepared to deal with issues within his res publica of responsibility. These recommended actions would include a. Amnesty for employees due to the practice be ing condoned by the workshop foreman b. H/R training for Page, the workshop foreman, specifically focused on supervisor duties and responsibilities, as well as a review of all company policies to include the Code of Conduct c. Implement an H/R policy where employees sign an acknowledgement of the Companys Code of Conduct upon hiring d. Annual review of the Code of Conduct for all employees e. brush up of the Code of Conduct upon transfer from one part of the factory to another part . Request an expulsion to policy whereby employees can purchase scrap from the factory at the same rate the factory sells it to the recycling company, or offer a small percentage of scrap to employees for free as an added benefit. In order to have better skilled workers, allow these employees a certain amount of time each pay period (possibly an hour per week) to hone their skills whereby they are covered by workers compensation should they become injured during this extra training time and g. Permissi on to post the Code of Conduct and the Material Misappropriation and Sanctions List throughout the Axe. Ethical Principles DiscussionThree ethical principles will be used to offer an analysis to the ethical issues Fontaine is currently facing we will use Consequentialist Theory, Deontological Theory, and Virtue Ethics. Consequentialist Theory An ethical decision should maximize benefits to inn and minimize harms. What matters is the net balance of good consequences over bad for society overall. Identify the stakeholders in the situation as well as the alternate actions and their consequences (harms/and or benefits) for each. Looking at this case using a consequentialist view we examine how each of the four preferences we have devised affects each of the stakeholders identified. Option A Do Nothing (see Annex E for the Consequentialist Analysis to this option). This secondary involves Fontaine leaving the workshop as it is and turning a blind eye to what is going on in the shop. Stakeholder benefits to this option include Continued high morale of employees by not having to purchase materials and continued use of company equipment maintains Fontaines account by being one of the guys by not taking action prevents Page from possibly getting into trouble for condoning the practice and protects Kadosa from providing information to Fontaine on the practice.Stakeholder harms to this option include Plant employees not aving the ability to possibly receive bigger pay or bonuses due to the lack of the company receiving all proceeds it is entitled to from the sale of scrap material workshop employees possibly being injured on the job while conducting unauthorized work company investors/owners not receiving the full value of the sale of scrap and possibly being liable(predicate) for any defect a workshop employee experiences while participating in unsanctioned/unauthorized work Fontaine violating his personal fairness and value by condoning the activity which viol ates the companys Code of Conduct and upper management not receiving bigger pay or bonuses due to the company not receiving all proceeds from the sale of all scrap. Option B Report the incident, but request guidance from upper management (see Annex F for the Consequentialist Analysis for this option).Stakeholder benefits to this option includes if upper management stops the practice, plant employees may see higher salaries or bonuses due to the company being able to garner all proceeds from the sale of all scrap material company owners/investors receiving all value from the sale of all scrap material upper management believing Fontaines one is beyond reproach upper management being able to give the changes it sees fit in order to recover company resources and the company and management not being liable to any employees who may be injured during unsanctioned work. Stakeholder harms to this option include possible suspension or termination of those workshop employees who have been identified as condoning and participating in unsanctioned work upper management thinking Fontaine is not ready to be a manager by asking for guidance Page possibly being implicated for condoning the practice of unsanctioned work, possibly resulting in suspension or termination and Kadosa being implicated by his co-workers for confirming the practice to Fontaine, resulting in the loss of venerate from his peers.Option C Do not report, but handle the situation in-house within the Axe (see Annex G for the Consequentialist Analysis for this option). Stakeholder benefits to this option include plant employees receive their fair share of salaries or bonuses tied to the profits resulting from the recycling of all scrap material workshop employees and Fontaine both build ringing with each other by handling the issue in-house without any supercharge repercussions company owners/investors have more in the balance sheet through the sale of all scrap material if the practice is stopped and P age does not face the possibility of termination or suspension for condoning the practice.Stakeholder harms to this option include Workshop employees may view this as an intrusion into their autonomy no recoupment to company owners/investors for the practice of taking scrap material Fontaine being potentially liable for not reporting the incident up the chain of command as you would expect a manager to do Kadosa losing credibility with his coworkers for confirming the practice to Fontaine and upper management having lower level management condoning the prior bad practices and starting anew without repercussions, thereby usurping their authority. Option D Report the incident, but recommend actions to upper management and obtain their buy-in (see Annex H for the Consequentialist Analysis for this option).Stakeholder benefits to this option include Unsanctioned work is stopped and plant employees may see an increase in salary/bonuses workshop employees may be able to continue creating ornaments if upper level management authorizes/sanctions extra work as a benefit to an employee who is honing his/her skills company owners/investors see an increase to the balance sheet from the proceeds of all scrap material, while at the same time being protected by workers compensation should an employee get injured while honing his/her skills under authorized work Fontaine gains the respect of his superiors for thinking outside the box and coming up with his own solutions while protecting the employees and the company Page receiving requisite training to become a better supervisor who supports the companys values and ideals and upper management having an empowered subordinate while increasing the balance sheet from the recycling of all scrap. Based on the tenets of consequentialist theory, option D promotes the greatest benefit with the least amount of harm to each of the stakeholders.Deontological Theory Bases the decision on what is right on a broad, abstract universal ethic al principle or value such as honesty, fairness, loyalty, rights, and respect for human beings and prop. Certain moral principles are binding, disregarding of the consequences. Therefore, some actions would be considered wrong even if the consequences of the actions were good. Looking at this case using a deontological perspective, we xamine what the duties of Mr. Fontaine are. As a manager at the company Fontaine has a duty to both the company and the stockholders of the company. However, he also has a duty to the employees he manages and to look out for their high hat interests. Based on these duties, the first alternative does not serve the best interests as it does not fulfill his duties to the company and the investors. By taking no action the company will continue to lose the revenue which could be generated from the stolen scrap material. The second alternative serves Fontaines duty to the company by ensuring that the business will not lose any further revenue to misapprop riation of assets.However, this alternative could harm his employees as they will likely lose their jobs if there is an investigation into the scrap material. The third alternative allows Fontaine to handle the incident in-house without having to inform upper management. This alternative allows Fontaine to build rapport with his employees however, he fails to do his duty by not reporting what he has found to his superiors. In addition, this alternative allows Fontaine to lay out his expectations of what is right and wrong with his employees, while at the same time protecting the reputation of Page, who previously condoned the activity by not stopping it. Fontaine unwraps loyalty to his subordinates, but he is not exhibiting loyalty to upper management by not reporting the incident.The final alternative, to report the incident while obtaining upper managements buy-in to recommendations, maintains the loyalty of Fontaine to the company, as well as to the employees. Because the practi ce has been condoned in the past, it is unfair to punish the employees what is fair, however, is to seek some type of median, such as employees purchasing the scrap and utilizing company machinery to hone their skills, which maintains morale and allows the company to have better trained and skilled workers. Based on deontological theory, the final alternative embraces honesty, fairness, loyalty, and respect for company property. Using scrap material to make personal objects has an overall positive impact on employee morale.Obtaining buy-in from upper management to sanction this activity, whereby employees pay for scrap but in turn the company has a better trained worker, illustrates loyalty from the company to the employee. Virtue Ethics This approach focuses more on the integrity of the moral actor than on the moral act itself. This perspective considers the actors character, motivations, and intentions. According to rectitude ethics, it is important that the individual intends to be a good person and exerts effort to develop him or herself as a moral agent, to associate with others who do the same, and to contribute to creating an organizational context which supports ethical behavior.The Axe has been operating under the auspices of virtue ethics when dealing with manufacturing ornamental decorations. This is evidenced by a. Page did not feel that the projects were of material value, because the employees used scrap b. Page thought the employees made the objects on their own time c. Kadosas impression was that the practice was limited to some of the better craftsmen in the group the ones who typically did the best work, volunteered for overtime, and often helped out other employees who were having trouble d. Kadosa believed that the workers involved in the practice clearly did not see themselves as thieves, but rather as skilled builders who took scarps and made something beautiful from them e.Kadosa recalled an incident when he dictum some of the craftsm en scold an employee for using new material to make a small ashtray the point was the employee seek to use new material to make it. f.Before anyone began an unofficial project, they were expected to touch base with a a couple of(prenominal) of the more senior craftsmen to see if it was OK g. Kadosa felt that making something to sell, compared to something what was mainly for personal use, was collectively frowned upon. The motivations for the group which manufactured the gifts were deemed as a noble cause and were meant for personal use, normally as gifts. Additionally, an unwritten set of rules, or unofficial Code of Conduct, ppears to have manifested itself within the workshop, such as seeking permission, only using scraps and not new material, and using the objects for personal use rather than for personal gain. Option A, to do nothing, does not contribute to ethical behavior by allowing employees to continue to the practice of using company materials and equipment for persona l use. Option B, reporting the incident to upper management and seeking guidance on how to proceed, facilitates ethical behavior however, employees may be punished when the activity was blatantly condoned by a member of management. Option C, not reporting the incident and handling the situation in-house, facilitates ethical behavior in the workshop employees however, Fontaine does not exhibit ethical behavior since he is not reporting the incident to management.In accordance with deontological theory, Option D, reporting the incident but obtaining management buy-in on the recommendations, truly creates an organizational context which supports ethical behavior employees are able to hone their skills, sanctioned by upper management, resulting in a highly motivated and more efficient employee, both which contribute to the Companys success. Recommendation The practice of using scraps of material and company machinery in order to build decorative ornaments has been condoned by management for years. In addition, these ornaments have already been made (being stored in the storage room), so it will be difficult to ascertain those personnel responsible for the practice. Each of the three ethical principle analyses resulted in Option D being the favored course of action. Fontaine should inform upper management of the incident upon discovering the ornaments and obtain their buy in with his recommended course of action.Upon approval remind employees of the Code of Conduct and post it prominently throughout the workshop post throughout the workshop the infractions and punishment for recent misappropriations of material, next to the Code of Conduct request H/R to implement new policies to annually have employees review the Code of Conduct, as well as upon transfer to different departments within the plant have required training for Page on company policies to make him a better leader allow employees to purchase scrap at cost and possibly request permission for employees to use scraps and machinery for special purposes/events (ie Christmas, going away gifts), as a means to improve the skill and capability of all employees as a interpretation of on-the-job-training. Ultimately, the company will have highly motivated employees with better skills and high morale, resulting in improved production in the Axe. REFERENCES Anteby, Michel, & Hyman, Mikell (2011). The Redgrove Axial Workshop (Rev. Jan. 5, 2011). Boston, MA Harvard Business School. Trevino, L. K. , & Nelson, K. A. (2011). Managing Business Ethics Straight Talk nearly How To Do It Right (5th Ed. . Hoboken, NJ John Wiley & Sons, Inc. www. haworth. com/en-us/Knowledge/Workplace-Library/Documents/Four-Organizational-Culture-Types_6. pdf Last Call an Interactive Multimedia Simulation. Facilitators Guide Page 12. Protection of Company Assets ITE employees must protect company assets.Company assets include a) intellectual property and trade secrets, b) business strategy, c) financial data, d) product ion materials, e) equipment, f) fleet, furniture, and g) computer supplies and software. Company assets are intended for the exclusive use of advancing the mission of the ITE Corporation. 3b. Sanctions Failure to protect company assets will result in sanction fit to the company loss. Sanctions can range form warnings to termination, and might include withheld pay. Criminal charges in courts might also be filed if deemed necessary by the ITE Corporation. Source ITE documents. APPENDIX D Summary of Redgrove Records of Material Misappropriation Incidents and Sanctions, 1998-2007 ) February 1998 A workshop worker was reported by an anonymous source to be stealing company materials. (The HR department received a letter). Upon closer inspection, it turned out the worker was making a windowpane frame for his house, and doing this at the end of his day shift. He received a stern warning, two old age without pay, and was told that the next infraction would lead to termination. 2) December 1998 A storage room employee was discovered with raw, expensive materials (titanium) in his car as he was driving out of the plant. The employee was fired. 3) November 1999 During a random search of employees exiting the plant, a care found a miniature turbine. The worker who was found with it claimed it was a gift for his brother.The worker received a three-day suspension and was warned that any additional discoveries would result in the termination of his employment. 4) June 2002 The purchasing director found a number of workers distributing pins they had manufactured to commemorate the launch of a new aircraft. The pins were made from workshop scraps. Three of the workers were hang up without pay for two days. 5) March 2003 A visiting ITE director asked about a set of metal candlesticks at a local antique shop. The vendor explained that they had been made at the nearby Redgrove plant. The director asked for the producers name, but the shopkeeper claimed ignorance. An internal audit was conducted to no avail.The candlesticks disappeared a few weeks later from the shop bought by a city person, according to the shopkeeper. 6) January 2005 In a regular random search of a car exiting the plant one evening, the on-duty guard discovered metal forging tools and workshop scraps in the trunk of an employees car. The incident resulted in a warning, and the employee retired several months early, shortly thereafter. Source Casewriter offstage E Consequentialist Analysis Option A (Do Nothing) pic ANNEX F Consequentialist Analysis Report Incident, Request Guidance pic ANNEX G Consequentialist Analysis Dont Report, Handle Incident In-House pic ANNEX H Consequentialist Analysis Report Incident but Recommend Actions, Gain Upper Management Buy-In pic