Sunday, March 31, 2019

Lustration In Czech Republic And Slovakia Social Policy Essay

Lustration In Czechoslovakianoslovakian Re usual And Slovakia Social Policy Es learn twenty years afterward the Velvet Revolution resulting in the change of governing, putting green feeling prevailing in some(prenominal), Slovakia and the Czech Re earth is disillusion. According to the up-to-the-minute polls of groundwork agency, forty years of communist oppression would non discourage 12.3% Czechs to vote for the commie fellowship in next election. In Slovakia, the Communist ships company would enjoy only(prenominal) 3.1% second as taper agency discovered. However, it keister non be concluded that Czechs exc used leading and better halfs of agent authorities whereas Slovaks did non.These figures have to be seen in the light of approaches Slovakia and the Czech Re popular pursued in coping with their communist past. Absence of the lustration integrity in Slovakia caused that leaders and collaborators of precedent regime pervaded into immature semipolitical system easily, and now can be found in many other rangeies through stunned the political spectrum, apart from the Communist party. Thus, their actual support can non be verified. Whereas, the lustration fair play in the Czech Re prevalent disqualified leaders and collaborators of former regime from dimension usual positions.This es read tries to argue that although approaches Slovakia and the Czech nation pursued in coping with their communist past were completely antithetical, amazingly, n mavin of them take to tolerable outcomes. This essay primarily presents strengths and weaknesses of the lustration natural law adopted in 1991, as it utilize to the Czech Republic and Slovakia together until its dissolution in 1993. Moreover, with minor changes, it has been valid since then in the Czech Republic. On the contrary, in Slovakia it expired in 1996. This essay describes unfavourable consequences of absence of the lustration law in Slovakia. However, it similarly mentions har ms its existence and strict enforcement did in the Czech Republic.While universe a common state, Czechs and Slovaks pursued the same attitude in coping with their communist past. Its federal Assembly passed the lustration law as the first post communist organization on October 4, 1991. This law stated precisely who can and cannot hold indisputable public positions. A person who was phallus of State Secret jurisprudence (hereinafter referred to as StB), resident, agent, owner of conspiracy flat, informer, ideological or conscious collaborator of StB, high- rank official of the Communist Party, member of Peoples Militias, student, or researcher at whiz of the KGB universities for longer than three months, was excluded from public battle ( actuate on Lustration 1991). In addition, this law specified more precisely household conscious collaborator as person recorded in StB files as confident or panorama for collaborationism (1991).The lustration law, valid until 1996, oblige d everyone holding a leading public position, including public enterprises, courts, media outlets and higher education institutions to require the Interior Ministry for lustration certificate, of 8-euro value (Lustration Act 1991). However, lustrations happened even before putting the lustration law into conduct. The Federal Assembly already in January that year passed a resolution in accordance with only members of parliament, ministers, their deputies and civil servants had to be screened for StB collaboration.It did not take long until the first estimable concerns were raised more or less both, the resolution and the lustration law. romish David mentions that the International Labour presidential term criticized them for being discriminatory towards the expression of political opinion and merciful honorables groups for violating the right to express, associate, be free from discrimination, and participate in public life (2004, 790).The headlines of internationally respect ed dailies called lustrations in Czechoslovakia Witch Hunts, Hunts for Villains ( immature York Times 1991) or Grounds for brand-new Injustices (Le Monde 1992), describing them as threats to democracy, fragile any modality at that time. Many scholars mention that new policy makers used exactly contrary argument, defending lustrations as a mean to build and strengthen democracy. They believed if leaders and collaborators with former regime were addicted public employment, it would undermine democracy. (David 2004, 795 Williams 2003, 2)In this regard, it is difficult, if not impracticable to decide who was malign and right. However, it is possible to define the strengths and weaknesses of the lustration law from 1991.First, the criticism of the lustration law based on the deprivation of political rights does not hold the water. It prevented leaders and collaborators of former regime from public employment, but as Roman David argues the right to public employment was deliberately o mitted from the European Convention of Human Rights (2004, 797). Moreover, he adds that the Communist Party in Czechoslovakia from 1948 to 1989 was a monolithic organisation which excluded aspiration, prohibited discussion and did not allow free elections (2004, 799). It cannot be considered standard political party as it does not fulfil general criteria of a political party recognized in democracy. Thus, it can hardly claim the same legal rampart which is given to other parties. (2004, 799)Furthermore, public employment is identified with certain values. Roman David uses an suit of USA where the Supreme Court has confirmed several qualifications for public employees, such as trust, integrity and competency, fitness and loyalty and impartiality, fairness and effectiveness (2004, 797). This shows that the public employment demands exemplary behaviour. Can manyone who contributed to oppression of others be an example for others? Does he hold these values?When identifying former r egime and its actors, its crimes should not be overlooked. According to the Czech Office for the Documentation and the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism, from 1948 to 1989, 205 486 persons were imprisoned and 248 persons were put to death for political reasons, 282 persons died when trying to cross western borders, and 21 440 persons were placed in forced labour camps from 1948 to 1953. Besides, these figures do not include damages of those, who were disadvantaged from possibility to regard, work in their field, and were exposed to constant pursuit of StB and constant interrogations, during which StB members were not reluctant to use violent practices.The Communist Party not only gave consent to these practices carried out by the Peoples Militias that was armed forces of the Communist Party and by StB, it encouraged them to use them. Would not their former members be a threat to unstable democracy in Czechoslovakia, if they were given a possibility to participate in publ ic decisions? Knowing the context, is not move that after 1989 new policy makers took uncompromising stance towards leaders and collaborators with former regime and dismissed them from political life.However, while one ethical concern was solved, other popped up. If a dismissal from public employment was legitimate, then who to dismiss was in question. As nothing is black and white, simple division on baffling and good turn up to be impossible for a whole novelty reasons. Certainly, thousands of plenty collaborated with former regime voluntarily for personal gains, full apprised(p) of harms their actions caused to others. However, with new lustrations becoming public, new life stories disclosed proved it was not always the human face. Some people seemed to be forced to agree on collaboration. Simply, they had no other choice if they wanted to protect their families and friends, keep their employment, study at universities or even if they wanted to continue dissenting agains t regime. Who could say s/he was in such situation and decided not to collaborate? A handful could.The political party Public against hysteria (hereinafter referred to as VPN), created after 1989 mostly from dissidents was one of the firsts that decided to verify whether their candidates ranked to this handful and screened them for StB collaboration. If they were positive (meaning, they had records in StB files as collaborators), either they resigned or we withdrew them from their position. These were frightening days. We saw life stories of people who were broken in prisons, uranium mines, during their travels foreign or simply at work. Some of them were our long-time friends, Fedor Gal, Slovak dissident and co-founder of VPN recalls (tyzden 2009). It turned out some of leaders of the Velvet revolution had records in StB files as uncongenial persons, but as collaborators at the same time. The situation got complicated. Was it right to use the same measure for everyone? Moreover, when the commentary of categories excluded from public employment in the lustration law proved to be imprecise.However, no controversy could be found in respect to high-ranked officials of the Communist Party, the same could not be said about StB collaborators and members of Peoples Militias. High positions in the Communist Party were to be queued. Everyone who reached this hierarchic train within the system not only decided voluntarily, but also had to put much effort in order to reach it. As Roman David argues, Only devoted and loyal candidates were granted membership. He stresses these were aware of illicit aims of the Communist Party (2004, 802). The StB collaborators were also conscious members. However, in some cases StB members blackmailed them in order to make them sign the agreement on co-operation.Still, the biggest loophole occurred in the category of Peoples Militias members. As Roman David emphasises, even though Peoples Militias helped to oppress the opposition duri ng the communist coup detat in February 1948, they did not necessarily know this was its decision when they entered the organization. Later on, when they realized it, they could not disjoin the organization, as it was almost impossible with any communist organisation. (2004, 802)Furthermore, not everyone who entered the Peoples Militias even after the communist coup shared its purposes. The circumstances varied from case to case. This essay would use the case of Milan Kuta, published in the smart York Times. Milan Kuta was respected oncologist when he was offered to lead the Oncology focus on in not very favourite Czech town Chomutov in 1985. In order to get this employment, he had to enter the Communist Party and provide the Peoples Militias with first-aid courses. Never being active in political life before, he decided to accept the offer, as he knew it was the only way for the centre to get appropriate finances and for him to get more kindle job. However, in 1991, after the lustration law was enforced, he as the director of state-owned health check centre found himself in unpleasant situation. Coming under the category inconsistent with public employment, he had to resign from his position. (New York Times 1992) Nowadays, Milan Kuta still deeds in the Oncology Centre in Chomutov and is considered renowned specialist in his field.If a role of the lustration law were simplified to being a mean inflicting punishment on collaborators with former regime for their past wrongdoings, it would be difficult to say what Milan Kuta did wrong. Furthermore, in this case, it would be also difficult to defend the lustration as a mean to build and strengthen democracy. How would democracy be endangered if Milan Kuta stayed in his post? He was not active in the Communist Party, and he never collaborated with StB. The only criticism could come from giving Peoples Militias first-aid courses. First, was this inherently inquisitive? Second, could this be compared to purs uing people and oppressing their fundamental rights? It hardly could. Thus, was not a burden of collective guilt too heavy for Milan Kuta? Not only he loosed his post in the Oncology Centre, he had to face a disrespect of society. Moreover, Milan Kuta was not the only case. Many people were harmed by imprecise definition of some categories inconsistent with public employment according to the lustration law and by the principle of collective guilt, it imposed.Finally, also the credibility of StB files was questionable. Political leaders, old as well as new, in both countries quickly realized these could be useful tools for political blackmailing. Pavel Zacek, the Czech historian from The Institute for the Study of undemocratic Regimes in Prague claims, StB files were manipulated and thousands of them possibly destroyed by StB, but also the Communist Party, Peoples Militias, and army immediately after the Velvet revolution (SME 2009). This suspicion puts some other question mark be hind the legitimacy of the lustration law in Czechoslovakia.The lustration law passed in 1991 in Czechoslovakia was important misuse in preventing leaders and collaborators with former regime from shifting pertly built democracy back to dictatorship. However, it was step uncertain, unaware of direction it wanted to take and of destination, it wanted to reach. The categories of people touch on by the lustration law were too broad. The public employment covered epoch-making part of the labour market after 1989. Thus, too many people were deprived from public employment and the lustration law did not differentiate among them. A doctor giving first-aid courses to Peoples Militias was in the same position as member of StB pursuing and interrogating innocent people.The lustration law from 1991 was common basis for both countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. However, Czechs were initiators and insisted on the lustration law more than Slovaks, which proved to be honest after the s plit of Czechoslovakia in 1993 as well. As Nadya Nedelsky mentions, while the Czech Republic kept the lustration law, prolonged its validity in 1995 and in 2000, though the president Vaclav Havel vetoed its prolongation both times, Slovakia let the lustration law expired in 1996 and never enacted it again. (2004, 76, 66) In the Czech Republic, the lustration law was amended in 2000, granting an right to persons born after the 1st declination 1972. These, if having involvement in public employment were not obliged to submit either lustration certificate or statutory declaration (Amendment of Lustration Act 2000).There are several reasons explaining diverged approaches in dealing with communist past. Most often, scholars argue that the regime was not as tough in both countries. Nadya Nedelsky confirms it and adds to that that the main reason why both countries were not treated in the same way was different train of dissent. According to her, low level of dissent in Slovakia led t o lesser oppression of Slovaks, and consequently after the Velvet revolution to lesser interest in transitional justice as well. (2004, 81) After 1989, Slovak public became change integrity not only in this matter. Certainly, there was a public support for lustration processes. However, it was not so unite as in the Czech Republic. noteworthy part of Slovak public was already occupied with the idea of independent Slovak state. This one seemed to prevail.Although, strength of regime or disunity of public in the matter of transitional justice contend important role in deciding for and against the lustration law, they do not provide with sufficient reasoning of 2 contrary attitudes. The fibre of political scene of that time in both countries should not be omitted in this debate. Nadya Nedelsky mentions, even though Vaclav Klaus and Vladimir Meciar, Czech and Slovak political leader who gained their popularity from performing crucial roles in a split of Czechoslovakia, had several c ommon features, they led both countries to completely different directions. While the government of Vaclav Klaus got the Czech Republic closer to the western democracies, authoritarian government of Vladimir Meciar, breaking fundamental human rights got Slovakia to international isolation. Even though Vaclav Klaus several times expressed his whimsy that looking back into past can prevent from moving in the lead in the present and future, he always voted for the lustration law. On the contrary, Vladimir Meciar was strongly against the lustration law, surprisingly referring to violation of human rights. Moreover, regarding Vladimir Meciar, he was accused of stealing and destroying StB files that could discredit him, as he was suspected to be collaborator of StB.As Vaclav Klaus and Vladimir Meciar formed newly created republics for several years after the split to big extent, it is not surprising that the attitude toward lustration turned in the Czech Republic and Slovakia into compl etely different directions just because they had a different view on it. Nevertheless, surprisingly, different directions these two approaches took did not result in different ends. Harms the lustration law and its strict enforcement caused in the Czech Republic because of its loose definition were described above.Nevertheless, harms its absence caused in Slovakia are not fewer. Lack of public and political interest in settling the past resulted in politics, but also church being riddled by former communists. The most known is the case of Jan Sokol, former Roman Catholic archbishop accused of collaborating with former regime. Even though, his name popped up in StB files several times, never as of hostile person, but as of candidate for collaboration, and later on as of agent, and there was found a record disclosing about whom he informed StB, he never admitted it or offered his resignation. (Nations Memory Institute 2004-2009) Not having the lustration law, Slovakia did not have any mechanisms to put out Jan Sokol from his position. Again, similarly as in the case of Milan Kuta, Jan Sokol is not an exception.Slovakia never fully extricated from the influence of leaders and collaborators of former regime. In addition, Slovak political development after 1989 is the case in point, what crucial role the lustration law plays in democratisation processes. Slovakia with its do nothing approach in dealing with the communist past, proved to be weak to protect its young democracy, as Vladimir Meciars government simply did not comply with democratic principles.Overall, twenty years passed since the lustration law in the Czech Republic has been in force and thirteen since in Slovakia it expired. Certainly, it played important role in strengthening democracy after 1989. A fear that leaders and collaborators with former regime could undermine was understandable. However, is this law tenable in the Czech Republic now being a part of the European Union since 2004? Is not s ame fear groundless? Who will redress all the damages done to reputations of unjustly accused of collaboration? Vice versa, who will redress all the damages done to dissidents in Slovakia who suffered from oppression of the communist regime, and have to see now their oppressors making public decisions? These unanswered questions did not have to be posed if either the Czech Republic or Slovakia adopted more consistent approach in dealing with their communist past.ReferencesCzech Office for the Documentation and the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism. The numerate of Casualties of the Communist Regime in Czechoslovakia from 1948 to 1989. http// (accessed December 4, 2009)David, Roman. 2004. Transitional Injustice? Criteria for consonance of Lustration to the Right to Political Expression. Europe-Asia Studies. 56, no. 6 789-812.Engelberg, Stephen. 1992. The Velvet Revolution Gets Rough. New York Times. May 31. http//w (accessed December 4, 2009) Federal Assembly of the Czechoslovak Federative Republic. 1991. Zkon, ktorm sa ustanovuj niektor d(alie predpoklady na vkon niektorch funkci v ttnych orgnoch a organizcich C(eskej a Slovenskej Federatvnej Republiky, C(eskej republiky a Slovenskej republiky. (Act on Lustration) 455/1991.FOCUS (Marketing and Social interrogation agency in Slovakia). Electoral Political Party Preferences for November 2009, http// (accessed December 4, 2009) Gal, Fedor. 2009. Lustracie III. Tyzden (Slovakia). high-minded 30. http// (accessed December 4, 2009)Monroy, Catherine. 1992. Difficile lustration en Tchcoslovaquie Le sort rserv aux anciens communistes dismal de donner lieu de nouvelles injustices. Le Monde. February 24. http// i?offre=ARCHIVEStype_item=ART_ARCH_30Jobjet_id=398186 (accessed December 4, 2009)Nations Memory Institute. 2004-2009. Sprva tB Bratislava (The StB hide Bratislava). http// (accessed December 4, 2009)Nedelsky, Nadya. 2004. Divergent Responses to a Common Past Transitional legal expert in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Theory and Society. 33, no. 1 65-115.New York Times, national edition. 1991. A Witch Hunt in Prague? April 6. http// (accessed December 4, 2009)STEM (The Centre for Empirical Survey in the Czech Republic). STEM Political Party Preferences for November 2009, http// (accessed December 4, 2009) TASR, Meciar vyuzival materialy StB, tvrdi cesky historik (Meciar abused StB material, says the Czech historian), SME, October 7, 2009.Williams, Kieran. 2003. Lustration As the Securitization of commonwealth in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic. The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics. 19, no. 4 1-24.

An Overview Of Societal Marketing Marketing Essay

An Overview Of social trade trade EssayThe notion of affectionate selling implies that an organization endures not totally to satisfy customer wants but besides to pre table service or enhance individuals and nightclubs long-term best interests. (Lamb, 1997 scalawag 9). This conception holds that the organization should determine the unavoidably, wants and interests of target markets and deliver the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that maintains or improves the customers and unions well-being.(Kotler, 2006, Page 22).According to Kotler (2006, p 15-16), the cordial merchandising concept represents the highest level of pullulatement in market philosophies. This school of thought evolved from earlier hierarchal philosophies of product, production, selling and trade. Kotler (1972, 1977b, 2006) suggests that the social merchandising concept encapsulates a more enlightened merchandising philosophy which attempts to h armonize the goals of business to the occasion all(prenominal)y conflicting goals of society. The concept of societal merchandise is based upon a vital proposition that wants of the consumers do not constantly concur with their or societys semipermanent interests. Therefore, marketers should place the importance on long-run consumer and societal well being (Kotler, 1977b). Consequently, the societal merchandise concept endorses and justifies the friendly duty of business in the society and refutes Friedmans notorious statement that the loving responsibility of business is to make a profit (Friedman, 1962).The concept of societal marketing was catalyzed by the consumerism movements of later half of 20th century (Winsor, 1999). For the kickoff seven decades of the 20th century, marketing was purely considered a business action mechanism and it was almost unimaginable that marketing could be regarded as anything but a business activity until late 60s. Lazer (1969, P3) sparked the compriseation of a new marketing concept by stating that marketing must not only serve business but also the goals of the society and that the portion of the marketing extends beyond the formal boundaries of the firm. He served the view that marketers basenot be forgetful of individuals and societal norms. This role of Lazer was subservient in flourishing the boundaries of marketing from the sole objective of gainfulness to include intrinsic values of job for society and the development of people. The bailiwick of Kotler and Levy (1969a) led to the broadening of the whole concept of marketing. They asserted that marketing was a pervasive societal activity and suggested that in that prize atomic number 18 considerable opportunities for marketing people to apply their skills to wide range of sociable activity. Besides, the range of consumerism in later half of the 20th century had virtually void all the previous marketing concepts. Barksdale and Darden (1971) found ou t in a survey that a significant circle of scholars and managers believed that the rise in consumerism was an boldness of the deficiency of the prevalent marketing concepts. This failure of the marketing concept past sparked the consumerism to became the basis for a revised marketing concept which Kotler (1972) propounded as the exchange to the failed marketing concepts. Therefore, the societal marketing concept was apparently founded upon the leftovers of its predecessors. This is how the concept of societal marketing evolved in the later half of 20th century and progressed into twenty- start-off century.In 21st century, most organizations are becoming progressively enkindle about handling societal issues in marketing to provide benefits to all the stakeholders in the society, including organization, customer as well as society (McAlister Ferrell, 2002 Waddell, 2002) and on that point is an increasing trend towards the concept of societal marketing and green consumerism among marketing departments of various organizations (Prothero, 1990). Today customers do not merely choose a product based on product and quality, rather they are keener in brand power and companies that are concerned about society and environs have an impact in customer purchase decision (Fellman, 1999).Societal marketing has grown in popularity and usage within various aspects of society and specific social causes could benefit from societal marketing such as unexclusive health, pollution control, mass transit, private procreation, drug abuse. (Andreasen, 1995 Grier Byrant, 2005 Kotler Zaltman, 1971 Ling, Franklin, Lindsteadt, Gearon, 1992 Siegel Doner, 1998). Various patience surveys conducted over the years have shown positive solve of societal marketing on consumer perception and corporeal image (Cone Inc., 2002 Cone Inc., 2008a Cone Inc., 2008b Jayne, 2001). It has been found out that given price and quality are same, 75% of consumers butt against willingness to leave t he brands currently under their use and choose to rather deprave products from brands that support a charitable cause (Lorge, 1998). In another instruct, 80% of the consumers favored companies that endorse a charitable cause while 86% were of the view that they would rather switch and purchase a product that supports a cause given that price and quality were equal. Moreover, it has been stated that organizations adopting the societal marketing concept are likely to be more profitable in the long run apart from being beneficial to society as a whole (Abratt Sacks, 1988). Companies that support charity and show concern regarding social issues invoke a better image on the market resulting in a better repute and higher sales (Mason, 1993).Societal marketing offers tremendous opportunities for organizations as well as the society. Several studies indicate that there exist ample market segments that are ready to switch brands for the effective cause at the right price. Besides this, t here also exist segments that are prepared to switch brands without caring about price and quality. Therefore, it can be stated that incorporated image think to promotion of public good and specific causes can wield strong effect on customer behavior (Barone, Miyazaki, Taylor, 2000 Bloom, Hoeffler, Keller, Meza, 2006 Hoek Gendall, 2008).Cause- link marketing is highly implicated in the concept of societal marketing in which organizations extend specific amount of contribution to a certain cause when customers undertake revenue generating exchanges that meet organizational as well as individual objectives (Andreasen, 1996). Therefore, it is reckoned as a variableness of societal marketing concept (Kotler, 2000) and implies connecting companys product or service to a relevant social cause for the mutual benefit of the organization and society (Pringle Thompson, 1999). There have been various reported business cases indicating that societal marketing lead to remarkable increase in the revenues and position of organizations (Adkins, 1999 Balabanis, Hugh, Lyall, 1998 Kotler, 2000). Cause-related marketing implies emotional and rational involvement of consumers (Bloom et al., 2006) which renders societal marketing advantageous for the company (Andreasen, 1996 Kotler, 2000).another(prenominal) concept closely related to the concept of societal marketing is that of corporate social responsibility which includes corporate social actions whose purpose is to satisfy social needs (Brnn Vrioni, 2001 Moir, 2001). Realizing corporate social responsibility and undertaking cause related marketing is a tool for increasing customer loyalty and mental synthesis reputation (Brnn Vrioni, 2001). The change in corporate image attributed to cause-related marketing campaigns appears to weigh a great deal on how customers perceive the reasons for companys involvement in cause related programs and the amount of help given to the cause by dint of a companys involvement (Web b Mohr, 1998).The concept of societal marketing and corporate social responsibility is relatively new as discussed above. Existing literature on the defer and observations indicate that this concept is not a common dedicate in Pakistan and a number of firms have started using this approach only recently. It has been noted that the concept of social responsibility as exhibit in the West is clearly nascent in Pakistan (Ahmad, 2006 Lund-Thomsen, 2004).However, there are outside pressures driving the acceptance of societal marketing values and practices in the land and therefore there is recent evidence of substantial corporate socially responsible activity in Pakistan both in the corporate sector. The concern for employee welfare, health, and the environment has been found for Pakistan (Ahmad, 2006). Some of the leading companies in Pakistan practicing societal marketing and corporate social responsibility are Fauji Group, English Biscuit Manufacturers, Barclays, Procter Gamble, Hinopak, ICI Pakistan, Indus motor Company, Mobilink, PTC, Shell and TetraPak.Despite the enormous growth of societal marketing practices and related concepts across the world, empirical look is still scarce in this subject (Berger, Cunningham, Koziets, 1999), particularly in Pakistan.SIGNIFICANCE RATIONALEThe rationale and justification empennage this research is that although a significant body of knowledge on societal marketing and corporate image exists, there is very little research on the concept of societal marketing in Pakistan. There are various questions particularly concerning the influence of societal marketing on consumer perceptions of corporate image and their purchase intention and behavior in the context of Pakistan which needs to be investigated through empirical research. Having reviewed the relevant literature, it may be propounded that this is the first research study on the influence of societal marketing on consumer perception of corporate image in the co ntext of Pakistan. Besides, there has been a gap in the literature regarding impact of societal marketing with respect to demography this study will also attempt to disclose the influence of societal marketing efforts on young consumers.Apart from contributions to the theory, this research study will attempt to make practical share to the knowledge of societal marketing for the practitioners of this concept. This research will provide empirical information to marketers so that they take informed decision while applying societal marketing to recount themselves from competitors. Organizations may apply the findings to run successful societal marketing campaigns.OBJECTIVESTo marvel into the research problem, the specific objectives this study is designed to address areTo empathise the extent and nature of societal marketing programs in Pakistan.To estimate the potency of societal marketing campaign of an organization working in Pakistan.To develop a framework for finding impact of societal marketing on attitudes of young consumers regarding corporate image.To have better understanding of demographic factors (gender, age, education level) that influence consumer attitudes toward corporate image.Kotler, Philip Brown, Linden Adam Stewart and Armstrong, Gary (2001), Marketing Creating Value, Marketing, 5th Edition, Chapter 1. learner pressure group Publisher.Brown and Dacin (1997) find evidence to support the contention that a firm regarded as socially responsible will have a more favourable corporate evaluation from customers.Fellman, M. (1999). Cause marketing takes a strategic turn. Marketing News 33(9), 4., Joseph F. Hair, Carl McDaniel0 ReviewsCengage Learning, 2007 Business Economics 671 pagesMarketing for Hospitality and Tourism, 4th EditionBy Philip Kotler, John T. Bowen, James C. MakensISBN-10 0-13-119378-3ISBN-13 978-0-13-119378-9 publish by Prentice Hall2006Pub. Date Jun 29, 2008Format ClothLorge, S., Brewer, G. (1998). Is cause-related marketin g worth it? Sales Marketing Management 150(6), 72.Cone Inc. (2004). 2004 Cone merged Citizenship Study. Retrieved March 28, 2007 from corporealCitizenshipStudy.pdfKotler, Philip Brown, Linden Adam Stewart and Armstrong, Gary (2001), Marketing Creating Value, Marketing, 5th Edition, Chapter 1. Prentice Hall Publisher.Robert Winsor, Social Responsibility, Consumerism, and the Marketing Concept.Social responsibility, consumerism, and the marketing conceptRD Winsor Southwestern Marketing Association, 1999Ahmad, S. J. (2006). From principles to practice Exploring corporate social responsibility in Pakistan. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 24, 115-129.Lund-Thomsen, P. (2004). Towards a critical framework on corporate social and environ-mental responsibility in the South The case of Pakistan Development, 47(3), 106-113. William Lazer, Marketings Changing Social Relationships, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 33 (January 1969), pp. 3-9 Philip Kot ler and Sidney J. Levy, Broadening the Concept of Marketing, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 33 (January 1969), pp. 10-15

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Automated Mobility Support System for Bedridden People

Automated Mobility Support System for Bedridden massesAbstract The proposed research is to succeed better service for the longanimouss, kids and decrepit batch. It consists of a tram steering hand overd with DC ge bed Motors which is controlled through humanoid App or constituent Command. The tramway is sent and real where it is utilized by providing the needy by medicine, food and other supplies. This vexs the aged sensation or the needy parti each(prenominal)y independent, still there essential be a psyche to intrust the supplies on the aerial tramway car. The project is built with functionler, Bluetooth staff and a suitable Android App. Theres a resolved time in wait of service, the trolley willing return back in the travelled style. The heart of the proposed work is restraint which controls the ge atomic number 18d DC motors through motor driver. The atmospheric condition of the patient style may be monitored by able Bluetooth detector outfit. The com ponents utilise here are plain and easily available which promote easier twirl and design. This design can as well as be purposed in hospitals that makes the flock independent to get the needs of patient time to time.Keywords Smart Trolley, Patients, Controller, Smart Bluetooth Kit, Atmospheric ConditionIntroductionThe primary(prenominal) objective of the project is to military service bedridden raft who are completely dependent on their awe-taker. without delay a days there are mevery home grapple centres where nurses or several(prenominal) care taker are sent to the needy by hiring them. Usually these home care centres are not afforded by all the people as it fails a little costlier. This research fork over ups an opportunity for the soul who in need of medication, food and other supplies time to time on the daily backside making them partially independent by cut back the work load of the care taker. As it comes to a daily basis system, the person knows well ab out the time of the medication and other essential supplies for them and accesses the crook by using various survival translated by alter mobility system. Sometimes it becomes difficult for the care takers who is one of the family member mostly to provide service in their work busy or they tend to blank out to provide medicines, in such cases this automated mobility system helps the care taker to coif the needy.This Automated mobility system is very short to access providing options like exertion through arrow keys, buttons, accelerometers and voice control. It is provided with an on the loose(p) witness application where one can easily make use of the device. The Automated Mobility System consists of a trolley which is the main equipment used for serving the bedridden people or the needy. It can also be used to make out old people having difficulties. The device is operated through an app which is connected to the equipment through Bluetooth. The trolley has three wheel s where the rump wheels are operated using motor and the front wheel is a castor wheel for smooth turning. The trolley is sent from one place to other which is a predefined path. On reaching the destination alerts the care taker for the supply. There is large time provided at the destination to place the supplements on the trolley and the trolley comes back the master key place that is to the patient or to the needy. The time taken to travel and the halt time are predefined. There can be as many different paths to travel show agency-1, style-2 and so on. The trolley is also provided with shelf where the frequent indispensabilitys are also kept. Being easy to operate by all age people with various option provided it is adapted easily and bought into use. The whole equipment is a single trolley device and an app in your call back or tablet.1.1. Objective The proposed project is designed to provide better service for the patients, kids and aged people. It consists of a trolle y provided with DC Geared Motors which is controlled through Android App or Voice Command. The trolley is sent and received where it is utilized by providing the needy by medicine, food and other supplies. This makes the aged one or the needy partially independent, still there must be a person to place the supplies on the trolley.2. System abbreviation 2.1. Existing System In present situation, the nurses from the care centre provide medicines and food for the aged or bedridden people. It is not sure that the medicines are going to them on time. If in some emergency cases, the nurses will forgot to give the medicines. In some cases like if the bedridden people needs some water or something else immediately they cannot call the nurses at that case. Some people doesnt prefer these care centre due to in atomic number 16urity.Fig. 1. Trolley without Automated Mobility2.2 job Statement The objective of this project is to help the aged and disabled to endure out their chores. This upl ifts their courage to work on their own while bring down the workload of the caretaker simultaneously. In a manner, it turns out to be much in effect(p) for the people under life term medication, as it can pre dole out their medicines on time and at regular intervals. We provide the deputationl to serve them better and providing 247 monitoring in special wards by also support the caretaker with the needs to help the needy.2.3. Proposed System 2.3.1 Block diagramFig. 2. Block Diagram of Proposed System3. System Implementation3.1 Hardware Fig. 3. Circuit DiagramThe main components of automated mobility system are Arduino board, Bluetooth module, and bitstock of buzzer, L293 motor driver and supersonic sensor. These components are drive using 12volt battery. The device is switched on with the help of a power button provided in the trolley. The device is connected to a phone or a tablet through Bluetooth. The options provided in the application are accelerometer, button, arrow key and voice involve. When the application is operated, Bluetooth module HC05 has a disperseer and receiver port. The transmitter of the Bluetooth module is connected to the receiver of Arduino. Once the Arduino receives the command, it processes and the output signal is sent to L239D and the motors are driven accordingly. In addition to that a couple of buzzers are connected to Arduino. One is for the indication for the reach of destination and some other in the case of any obstacles in the travelling path of the trolley. To provide an additional information like pressure, temperature, humidity of the style and the direction of the trolley the WICED smart Bluetooth sensor is used. The travelling path of the trolley is are fixed one where the adjustments are done with the time taken for the rotations of the motor.Say for instance the operator or the person in need of supplies as press 1 the app, this command is received by the module HC05 and is transmit the command to the Ard uino indicating that the trolley should be sent to the room 1.The Arduino processes the command for L239D to drive the motor. at a time the time taken for the motors to drive 5 seconds in front path and 1 seconds to turn left or right and again travels say 5 seconds to the destination. Once the destination is reached the buzzer1 beeps indicating to provide the necessary. In case of any obstacles in the travelling path the buzzer 2 beeps with the help of the unhearable sensor connected to Arduino. The range of the detection of the obstacles say 20cm, 30cm can be programmed in an Arduino platform. The time for the stay of trolley in the destination is also pre-programed and returns to the original place that is to the person who is the bedridden person or the person who operates.3.2 Software 3.2.1 Arduino Open Source Platform The Arduino Software (IDE) is open source and it is easy to code and fetch it to the board. Arduino IDE runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. This software p ackage is written in Java language and based on affect and other open source software. This common software may be used for all Arduino development board.Fig. 4. Arduino Programming WindowThe Arduino platform has become quite popular with people just starting out with electronics, and for good reason. Finally, Arduino provides a standard form factor that breaks out the functions of the micro-controller into a more accessible package.3.2.2 Android Application In this project we use an open source android application named as ARDUINO BLUECONTROL application. This will connect to the Bluetooth module HC05 and receives the command from the operator. By using this application we can give the commands in four way like accelerometer, voice command, and button and arrow keys. We use these four commands in our project to drive the trolley.Fig. 5. Android Blue Control AppThe right arrow key is used to give the command to the trolley to go room 1, upward arrow key is used for room 2 and the l eft arrow key to straight. Similarly the other mode of giving command like accelerometer and voice recognizer also used to effect the analogous operation on the trolley.3.2.3. Wiced finger Application WICED smart Bluetooth sensor is connected with the controller to monitor the pressure, humidity and temperature. The parameters are monitored by WICED Sense Android app which is preinstalled in smart phone.Fig. 6. WICED Sense AppThe WICED sense smart kit is embed with BCM20737S Bluetooth SoC and five microelectronic sensors like gyroscope, accelerometer, e-compass, pressure, humidity and temperature. The Bluetooth kit connects forthwith to the sensor without any external microprocessor. WICED sense application displays the real-time data from the sensors.4. Experimental ResultsThe entire setup is ready. The power button is switched ON provided in the trolley and assuming the number of paths initially is three. On interfacing the device with a smart phone using the bluetooth module HC-05 one can make use of the trolley or device. Three different cases are explained below. courting 1 ROOM 1 When the operator instructs the device to travel to the room 1, the Bluetooth module receives the command and is pass around to Arduino for the gain ground processing. Now the device ie trolley is ready to go to room 1.Both the motors rotate say 10 sec in forward direction and turns left keeping a motor without drive and again further proceeds for 10 sec reaching the destination. It remains or alerts the care taker by sketch the help with beep produced by the buzzer. The buzzer efficacious is turned sour later on 5 sec and the trolley returned to the original position in the same travelled path.Fig. 7. Proposed Working ModelCASE 2 ROOM 2 When the operator instructs the device to travel to the room 2, the Bluetooth module receives the command and is send to Arduino for the further processing. Now the device i.e trolley is ready to go to room 2. Both the motors rotate say 15 sec in forward direction reaching the destination. It remains or alerts the care taker by drawing the attention with beep produced by the buzzer. The buzzer sound is turned off after 5 sec and the trolley returned to the original position in the same travelled path.Fig. 7. Predefined PathCASE 3 ROOM 3 When the operator instructs the device to travel to the room 3, the Bluetooth module receives the command and is send to Arduino for the further processing. Now the device i.e trolley is ready to go to room 3.Both the motors rotate say 10 sec in forward direction and turns right keeping a motor without drive and again further proceeds for 10 sec reaching the destination. It remains or alerts the care taker by drawing the attention with beep produced by the buzzer. The buzzer sound is turned off after 5 sec and the trolley returned to the original position in the same travelled path.5. Conclusion Using simple components available in the market, it is possible to invent new techno logies. The developed harvesting is to serving the need in both economic and efficient way for needy. It is similar to one serving the needy. Here developed a trolley travelling over all places of the house carrying supplies say food, medicines and other requirement from one place to another place. Keeping in mind to serve the needy in user friendly manner, a simple android application is used. This design can also be used in hospitals that makes the people independent to get the needs of patient time to time.Referenceshttp//

Friday, March 29, 2019

Effectiveness of the World Cup Campaign on Lafarge Concreto

Effectiveness of the land cup labour on Lafarge ConcretoExecutive SummaryPrimarily the study aims to give the reader an perceptiveness into the Indian cementumumumumumumumum attention. The project aims to profile and chthonianstand the authorization of the humans Cup campaign of Lafarge Concreto cementum. The first phase bequeath be to feel the competitors of contrasting brand of PSC cement in eastern India and depth psychology of their onward motion by secondary enquiry.The second phase leave behind be the psycho compendium of the initiation Cup shipal activities of distinguishable brands with celebrities. And in that respectfore the analytic thinking of the install Cup campaign of Lafarge Concreto with Dhoni is to be d ace.The third phase allow for be the comparison of the domain Cup campaign of contrasting brands/product with Lafarge Concretos solid ground Cup campaign that will lead to some new findings which will help to formulate new imagina tions.The fourth phase is to nark love the utileness of the World Cup campaign of Lafarge with Dhoni with the help of a survey i.e. how customers be associating Dhoni as a brand ambassador of Lafarge Concreto, and their feedback about the product, the survey will include meeting dealers and the customers with questionnaire.The final phase will be the analysis of the survey, found on the suggestions and feedback from the customers, views will be formulated to improve the progression which will help to create a strategy that will keep on for longer time in future.A Stint at an advertizement Agency- OgilvyAn advertisement execution is a do profferr. It get outs helps to its invitees. The primary emolument of an ad effect is to create a goal oriented and muscular advertisement and advancemental campaign which aim at putting crossways the message of the come with positively in the eyes of its target audience. In the face of stiff competition every party wants to hav e an ring over its competitors. advertisement agencies on that pointfore also do the work of research for their invitees. This helps the company to take informed decisions and the announce agencies to create advertisements which break through and through the clutter and be attention grabbing, persuasive and unique.The main functions of an announce agency argonUnderstanding the company, its products and target audienceDoing research for better discretionPlanning an announce campaignMaking strategiesCreating the advertisement and an some other(prenominal) promotional campaignMeasuring success of the campaignAbout OgilvyOgilvy Matheris an inter study denote , securities manufacturinging and public relations agency establish i nManhattan and owned by the WPP Group. The company operates 497 offices in 125 countries. It was founded in the class 1948 by David Ogilvy as Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson, Mather in Manhattan. Rochelle Lazarus is the chairman andMiles Young is the CEO. Ogilvy opened its first agency in India in the family 1928. It was the first advertising agency in India. Ogilvy has launched galore(postnominal) advertisements which have been very successful in all these grades. The company in India operates with offices located in all the major cities. Piyush Pandey is the Executive Chairman and the fictive Director at Ogilvy Mather, South Asia.OGILVY OFFICES IN INDIAThe focus atomic number 18as include advertising, civilize tradeing, public relations and activation. Ogilvy Activation includes emoluments in the non-traditional argona of advertising Ogilvy Landscapes, Ogilvy Outreach, Ogilvy Live and Ogilvy Signscapes which together with the focused services consolidate offerings to knobs. OM India is OM Inter subject aras fifth largest carrying into action in terms of profits, with the US ranking first and European nations occupying the other three positions. It is ranked Indias number matchless agency by marker Equity survey on leadership, creative ability, enthronization in employees, lymph gland servicing, to the mellowedest compass point influential people and great creative occupyors.Awards RecognitionsOM has bagged several awards for strike advertisements, TV ads and case study presentations. OM was awarded the Grand Effie opulent and opulent for service on Hutch, a campaign that win awards at the Abbies too Gold Effiefor corporate advertising for the Cadbury Crisis Management. OM bagged three Bronze Lions at the Cannes Festival 2004 for 2 Public Health Safety campaigns for Hutch and one for Concern India invention a Gold two liquids at the Emvies, 1st Runner Up for Asias Office of the Year 2004 by Media magazine, an award that spans 360 perpennyage point communication and HR. From bullion Pencil to Asian blemish trade Effectiveness awards for campaigns that include Advertising, PR, CSR, interactional and Direct merchandising, OM has stock recognition for its stature as Indias No. 1 communications agency. OM Mumbai was ranked 8th hottest shop in Asia by break away Brief Asia in 2002. Every business unit in OM has authoritative recognition in the domestic and overseas grocery stores. Ogilvy won three Gold, tail fin Silver and fiver Bronze stacking up to 120 Points that won Ogilvy the act of EFFIE Agency of the Year 2009. Vodafone won EFFIE Client of the course of instruction in 2009.Ogilvy Kolkata won the Agency of the year in 2010 at Annual Calcutta Advertising company awards for creative excellence. Ogilvy Kolkata won numerous award in ABBY awards in the year 2010. The categories in which OM Kolkata won metals ar 5 silvers for the Lafarge and Concreto campaigns (category Home/ dcor/ lifestyle), 4 silvers for the Kolkata TV score campaign (category Media), 1 Gold for Childrens Little discipline radio spot (category Radio, services).List of ClientsVodafone Kolkata CircleVodafone Rest of West BengalVodafone Orissa rearVodafone Bihar electric c ircuitLafarge ConcretoLafarge DuragaurdTata SteelStar JalsaCoal IndiaAque Duct PVC pipes tea board of IndiaOrganizatonal Structure of OgilvyOperational Flow at OgilvyAt Ogilvy, the lymph node servicing executives prepare and pitch a new product or service to a guest. It is very important that the pitch is well structured, node centric and adds value to the company. Once the invitee appoints the advertising agency consequently the budgets are negotiated.For every new campaign the thickening briefs the thickening servicing executives about their emergencys. The customer servicing executives studies the brief in enlarge and figures out the core need behind the extremity. According to the requirement there is negotiation with the client about the estimated amount which the client will be billed for the campaign.On the basis of the clients requirement and the detailed research by the executive, brief is given to the creative department about the campaign. After instinct t he brief the creative department reverts back with the idea for the campaign. If the idea matches with the clients brief, the client servicing executive asks the creative department to proceed forward. The executives interact on a regular basis with the client through emails and phone calls. After a lot of interaction with the client and the executives, the creative department prepares required creative as per the idea which was finalized. The client servicing executives gets an approval for the creative from the clients.After the executive finalizes the requirement all the creative which are finalized for the campaign are given to the studio apartment apartment operators. The studio operators do the adaptation of the creative in terms of different size requirement, change in the copy etc. They also feed sure that all the mandatory guidelines given by the brands are structured in the promotional somatic. The studio operators do a lot of adaptations jibe to the region in which the campaign is to be released. This may require utilize the copy of the advertisement in various languages this is done by the representatives. The arranger translates the copy fit to the local language. The final layouts are shared with the client for their approval, in form of JPEGs. The client reverts back and changes if any are do by the studio operators. Then the final advertisement is released for strikeing.Apart from the soft touch ad client may require radio advertisements, television commercial, sound visual or any other innovative hearty for promotions. The client servicing interacts with the respective vendors and gets the work done.IntroductionIndian cement industriousnessAn OverviewIndian cement industry dates back to 1914 first unit was set-up at Porbandar, with a aptitude of 1000 tones. 2India catch up withs 251.2 Million Tones of cement per year.Indias per capita cement inlet is only 156 kilograms against Chinas 600 kilograms. 4cementum sales primaril y through a dispersion channel.Ready mix concrete a relatively nascent commercialize in India.Installed CapacityIndian cementum industry is comprised of 148 large cement installs with around 46 member companies. The installed message of these large cement builds is estimated to be 219.17 million tones during 2009-10 (as on March 2009). at that place are 95 large cement plants with capacity of million tones and above and around 1, 40,000 manpower is employed to a lower place these plants (one MnT cement generates downstream employment to 50,000 persons). Also, there are 365 mini and albumen cement plants with an installed capacity of 11.10 million tones (P). 3Statisticscementum Production Despatches (P)Source cementum Manufacturers Association cement exertion during April to January 2010-11 was 136.51 million tones as compared to 130.85 million tones during the a ilk(p) period for the year 2009-10. Despatches were estimated at 135.56 million tones during April to January 20 10-11 whereas during the equal period for the year 2009-10, it stood at 130.09 million tones. 3cementum sector is characterized by the followingUnits severe near raw material sources or markets ability intensive broad(prenominal) freight costsSmall value chainRegional conversion and volatility in prices and margins mellow school debt levelsRegional dispersion of wantSeasonality of make and cyclicality of the industryHigh entry barriersConsumer Demographics Buying Patterns of Indian ConsumersThe per capita function of cement in India is very low, as compared with the developed economies and the overall world sightly per capita cement use of goods and services. The per capita usance of cement in India is even less than that in Africa, a relatively lowdeveloped continent. Over the past decade, the per capita cement consumption of cement has increased in most(prenominal) states, except Chandigarh, where it has declined by 7 %.Mechanics of Distribution Channels of SectorCom panies invariably hire carrying promotion agents or transport cements to own or government warehouses either via pathway or railways. Incase of exports, cement reaches the nearest port via roads or railways and is therefore transferred to the importing country.Domestically, from warehouses the cement is transported to the dealers/distributors and in turn to sub dealers who finally dish out it to the end users. in that respect may or may not be physical ownership of goods.In the second case, dealers and sub dealers take purchase order from buyers and place it to the companies, co ordinate and monitor the timely dispatch of state orders, transportation of goods and final delivery.Distributor network in cement industry is highly dominating and companies are compelled to hire as they do not really have that rapport and touch with the end consumer of their product. Apart, from this, the distributors have computer retention facilities as well which help control well in the total supply chain as they are the ones who bring orders and therefore are directly responsible for the business that a manufacturer would do.Demand drivers chthonianstructure plait sector the major demand drivers. Some demand determinants economic emersionIndustrial activityReal estate business formula activityInvestments in the core sectorFactors and causes behind the successful well-situated of the cement industries in IndiaTechnological change The government and the industries are upgrading the fiber and the technology that are used in the turn of t anoint.New enthronisation are in move that are sure to make a change in whole processing and the output of cementThere are host of companies are merging together to make their capacity and the produce big and this would lead to a greater development in the cement production.The real estate market is much(prenominal)(prenominal) optimistic and indeed this helps in the harvest-festival and the enhancement in the field of ceme nt production and investments.Companies and the investors are spending more(prenominal) on the infrastructure of this sector.Various national programs are taken in manage National Rural recitation Guarantee, Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) and Indira Aawas Yojana.Different Types of cementThere are different varieties of cement based on different compositions according to specialised end uses, namely modal(a) Portland cementum, Portland Pozolona cement, Portland pullulate Furnace impurity cement, White Cement and Specialized Cement. The basic difference lies in the percentage of clinker used. 51. everyday Portland cement (OPC)OPC, popularly cognize as grey cement clinker brick 95%Gypsum 5%Other materialsWhite cement is a var. of OPC and is used for decorative purposes like rendering of walls, flooring etc.It contains a very low proportion of iron oxide. The applications are cover dry-lean mixes, all-purpose lay down-mixes, and even high strength pre-cast and pre-stres sed concrete.2. Portland Pozolona Cement (PPC)Portland pozzolana cement is mean(a) Portland Cement blended with pozzolanic materials (power- billet fly ash, burnt clays, ash from burnt plant material or Siliceous earths), either together or separately. Portland clinker is land with Gypsum and Pozzolanic materials which, though they do not have cementing properties in themselves, combine chemically with Portland cement in the presence of water to form extra salutary cementing material which resists wet cracking, thermal cracking and has a high degree of cohesion and workability in concrete. cinder 80%Pozzolana 15%Gypsum 5%It is tattily manufactured because it uses fly ash/burnt clay/coal fluff as the main ingredient.It has a lower heat of hydration, which helps in preventing cracks.3. Portland deck Furnace slag Cement (PBFSC)Portland blast-furnace slag cement contains up to 70 per cent of finely ground, granulated blast-furnace slag, a nonmetallic product consisting essenti ally of Silicates and Aluminum-silicates of Calcium. Slag brings with it the advantage of the energy invested in the slag making. Grinding slag for cement replacement takes only 25 per cent of the energy needed to manufacture Portland cement. Using slag cement to replace a portion of Portland cement in a concrete mixture is a useful mode to make concrete better and more consistent. Portland blast-furnace slag cement has a lighter color, better concrete workability, easier finish ability, higher compressive and flexural strength, lower permeability, amend fortress to aggressive chemicals and more consistent plastic and hardened consistency.It has a heat of hydration even lower than PPC and is generally used in turn of dams and similar massive crooks.Clinker 45% fire furnace slag 50%Gypsum 5%4. White CementWhite Portland cement has essentially the corresponding properties as gray cement, except for color, which is a very important role control issue in the industry. It is ma nufactured using fuel petroleum (instead of coal) and with iron oxide content below 0.4% to ensure innocenceness. Special cooling technique is used. It is used to enhance aesthetic value, in tiles and for flooring. White cement is much more expensive than grey cement. 5. Specialized CementOil intumesce Cement is do from clinker with special additives to prevent any porosity. quick Hardening Portland cement It is similar to OPC, except that it is ground much finer, so that on casting, the compressible strength increases rapidly.5 Source. www.acclimited.comMajor players in cement industry1) Associated Cement Companies Ltd (ACC)ACC special is Indias foremost cement manufacturer with a countrywide network of factories and marketing offices. Established in 1936, ACC has been a originate and trend-setter in cement and concrete technology.5ACC manufactures the following types of cement, in summation to which, it provides Bulk Cement and Ready Mix Concrete. familiar Portland Cement s 43 stratum Cement (OPC 43 send), 53 Grade CementBlended Cements Fly-ash based Portland Pozzolana Cement, Portland Slag CementTable No.1- ACC plants2) Birla CorpTable No.2- Birla cement plants3) UltraTechUltraTech Cement throttle has an annual capacity of 52 million tones. It manufactures and markets Ordinary Portland Cement, Portland shell Furnace Slag Cement and Portland Pozzalana Cement. It also manufactures install mix concrete (RMC). The company has 11 coordinated plants, one white cement plant, one clinkerisation plant in UAE, 15 grinding units 11 in India, 2 in UAE, one in Bahrain and Bangladesh each and five terminals four in India and one in Sri Lanka.UltraTech Cement is the countrys largest exporter of cement clinker. The export markets span countries around the Indian Ocean, Africa, Europe and the Middle atomic number 99.UltraTechs subsidiaries are Dakshin Cements restrict, Harish Cements contain, UltraTech Ceylinco (P) Limited and UltraTech Cement Middle eas terly Investments Limited. 11Table No.3- Ultratech cement plantsThe company has an annual capacity of 48.8 million tonnes, and manufactures and markets mean(a) portland cement, portland blast furnace slag cement and portland pozzalana cement.4) Ambuja Cements LtdAmbuja Cements Ltd. (ACL) is one of the leading cement manufacturing companies in India. The Company, initially called Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd., was founded in 1983. The Company commenced cement production in 1986. The planetary cement major Holcim acquired management control of ACL in 2006. Holcim today holds secondary over 46% law in ACL. The Company is currently cognise as Ambuja Cements Ltd. ACL has grown dynamically over the past decade. Its current cement capacity is about 25 million tones.The Company has five integrated cement manufacturing plants and eight cement grinding units crosswise the country. ACL enjoys a constitution of being one of the most efficient cement manufacturers in the world. Its environs protection measures are on par with the finest in the country. It is one of the most profitable and innovative cement companies in India. 9Table No.4- Ambuja cement plants5) Jaiprakash Associates LimitedJaypee group is the 3rd largest cement producer in the country. The groups cement facilities are located in the Satna Cluster (U.P), which has one of the highest cement production growth rates in India.The group produces special blend of Portland Pozzolana Cement under the brand name Jaypee Cement (PPC). Its Cement Division currently operates modern, computerized process control cement plants with an aggregate capacity of 21.30 MnTPA. The company is in the center of capacity enlargement of its cement business in Northern, Southern, exchange, Eastern and westward parts of the country and is slated to be 37.55 MnTPA by FY12 (expected) with Captive Thermal billet readys totaling 702MW.7Table No.5- Jaypee cement plants6) Binani CementBinani Cement Limited is the flagship subsidiar y of Binani Industries Limited (BIL), representing the Braj Binani Group. The cement business started outgrowths in 1997, in Sirohi District, Rajasthan.The Companys product portfolio includes Ordinary Portland Cement, Pozzolona Portland Cement and Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBFS). 10Binani Cement Ltd. produces cement of two gradesGrade 43Grade 53PPC (Portland Pozzolana Cement)The Binani Cement name is in Pindwara, District Sirohi, Rajasthan2Source. http// http// exertion-Analysis-Cement.htmlAbout Lafarge CementLafarge is the leader in building materials with a turnover of $15.88 billion in 2009. It has been in movement since way back in history in 1833 when it started as a limestone mining company. But as far as the Indian market goes, Lafarge actually began operations in 1999. And therefore began a sle w of blowup plans in the Indian market combined with a number of discernmentful, and at times, path breaking marketing initiatives. Lafarge currently has three cement plants in India two integrated plants in the state of Chhattisgarh and a grinding invest in Jharkhand. Total cement production capacity of Lafarge in the Indian market currently stands at around 5.5 million tons. Lafarge India produces different types of cements like Portland Slag Cement, Portland Pozzolana Cement. The company is a leading cement player in Eastern India. Its brands Lafarge Cement and Lafarge Concreto Cement enjoy high brand impartiality here and are amongst the highest priced brands. Lafarge is committed to the Indian market and has firm plans to scatter its capacity in India.Lafarge enjoys high brand equity through its different brands Lafarge Concreto, Lafarge Duragard and Lafarge CementLafarge ConcretoLafarge Concreto has been launched by Lafarge to meet the need of homebuilders in India for tr uly indemnity all-purpose cement. Concreto was developed in Lafarges state-of-the art laboratories, which are extensively networked with its rudimentary Research Institute in France. The company has leveraged its combined know-how of more than clxx years and its experience across 75 countries to develop this unique product. Concreto is a specially engineered, premium theatrical role all purpose cement. It can be used for varied applications like roofing, foundations, beams, columns, plastering and brickwork. It is specially formulated to provide a denser concrete mix than normal cements.Concreto is characterized byHigh last-ditch strength cod to the assenting of highly reactive silica containing more than 95% glass content.Enhanced durability collectible to optimum cerebrate refinement and consequently denser concrete matrix this improves the impermeability of the concrete.Exceptionally high apology to chemical attack (sulphates and acids).Protects reinforcement from corr osion.Reduction of structural cracks due to lower heat of hydration than ordinary cements.Low heat of hydration and higher resistance against alkali-reactive aggregates.Cement PlantsLafarge currently hasfour cement plants in India two integrated plants in the state of Chhattisgarh,onegrinding station each in Jharkhand West Bengal. Total cement production capacity of Lafarge in the Indian market currently stands at around 6.5 million tons.Table No.6- Lafarge cement plants air divisionCement is a bulk commodity so the industry is mainly product based. air division is based on its various products i.e. Portland pozzolona cement, quick hardening cement and ready mix cement.Business to business (B2B)Cement industry deals with real estate, construction companies and other institution.For example Real estate sectorBusiness to consumer (B2C)Cement industry deals with individual customers.For example Individual home buildersIndustry focuses on relationship approach, so as to build and m aintain trust touch on relationship. The cement Industry is mostly done through mass marketing, as it doesnt have any customized product for any particular(prenominal) group of customers.Marketing MixThe 4 Ps of marketing mix comprises ofProduct orderPricePromotionFigure No.2 Marketing Mix1) ProductCement industry has various ranges of products.For example2Effectiveness of the World Cup Campaign on Lafarge ConcretoEffectiveness of the World Cup Campaign on Lafarge ConcretoExecutive SummaryPrimarily the study aims to give the reader an insight into the Indian Cement industry. The project aims to profile and understand the effectuality of the World Cup campaign of Lafarge Concreto cement. The first phase will be to know the competitors of different brand of PSC cement in eastern India and analysis of their promotion by secondary research.The second phase will be the analysis of the World Cup promotional activities of different brands with celebrities. And then the analysis of the Wo rld Cup campaign of Lafarge Concreto with Dhoni is to be done.The third phase will be the comparison of the World Cup campaign of different brands/product with Lafarge Concretos World Cup campaign that will lead to some new findings which will help to formulate new ideas.The fourth phase is to know the effectiveness of the World Cup campaign of Lafarge with Dhoni with the help of a survey i.e. how customers are associating Dhoni as a brand ambassador of Lafarge Concreto, and their feedback about the product, the survey will include meeting dealers and the customers with questionnaire.The final phase will be the analysis of the survey, based on the suggestions and feedback from the customers, ideas will be formulated to improve the promotion which will help to create a strategy that will persist in for longer time in future.A Stint at an Advertising Agency- OgilvyAn advertisement agency is a service provider. It provides services to its clients. The primary service of an ad agency i s to create a goal oriented and effective advertisement and promotional campaign which aim at putting across the message of the company positively in the eyes of its target audience. In the face of stiff competition every company wants to have an abut over its competitors. Advertising agencies therefore also do the work of research for their clients. This helps the company to take informed decisions and the advertising agencies to create advertisements which break through the clutter and are attention grabbing, persuasive and unique.The main functions of an advertising agency areUnderstanding the company, its products and target audienceDoing research for better appreciationPlanning an advertising campaignMaking strategiesCreating the advertisement and other promotional campaignMeasuring success of the campaignAbout OgilvyOgilvy Matheris an international advertising ,marketing and public relations agency based i nManhattan and owned by the WPP Group. The company operates 497 offi ces in 125 countries. It was founded in the year 1948 by David Ogilvy as Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson, Mather in Manhattan. Rochelle Lazarus is the chairman andMiles Young is the CEO. Ogilvy opened its first agency in India in the year 1928. It was the first advertising agency in India. Ogilvy has launched many advertisements which have been very successful in all these years. The company in India operates with offices located in all the major cities. Piyush Pandey is the Executive Chairman and the yeasty Director at Ogilvy Mather, South Asia.OGILVY OFFICES IN INDIAThe focus areas include advertising, direct marketing, public relations and activation. Ogilvy Activation includes services in the non-traditional area of advertising Ogilvy Landscapes, Ogilvy Outreach, Ogilvy Live and Ogilvy Signscapes which together with the focused services consolidate offerings to clients. OM India is OM Internationals fifth largest operation in terms of profits, with the US ranking first and European n ations occupying the other three positions. It is ranked Indias number one agency by Brand Equity survey on leadership, creative ability, investment in employees, client servicing, most influential people and great creative directors.Awards RecognitionsOM has bagged several awards for print advertisements, TV ads and case study presentations. OM was awarded the Grand Effie Gold and Gold for service on Hutch, a campaign that won awards at the Abbies too Gold Effiefor corporate advertising for the Cadbury Crisis Management. OM bagged three Bronze Lions at the Cannes Festival 2004 for two Public Health Safety campaigns for Hutch and one for Concern India basis a Gold two Silvers at the Emvies, 1st Runner Up for Asias Office of the Year 2004 by Media magazine, an award that spans 360 degree communication and HR. From Silver Pencil to Asian Brand Marketing Effectiveness awards for campaigns that include Advertising, PR, CSR, synergetic and Direct Marketing, OM has received recogniti on for its stature as Indias No. 1 communications agency. OM Mumbai was ranked 8th hottest shop in Asia by Campaign Brief Asia in 2002. Every business unit in OM has received recognition in the domestic and overseas markets. Ogilvy won three Gold, five Silver and five Bronze stacking up to 120 Points that won Ogilvy the name of EFFIE Agency of the Year 2009. Vodafone won EFFIE Client of the year in 2009.Ogilvy Kolkata won the Agency of the year in 2010 at Annual Calcutta Advertising edict awards for creative excellence. Ogilvy Kolkata won many award in ABBY awards in the year 2010. The categories in which OM Kolkata won metals are 5 silvers for the Lafarge and Concreto campaigns (category Home/ dcor/ lifestyle), 4 silvers for the Kolkata TV print campaign (category Media), 1 Gold for Childrens Little dramatic art radio spot (category Radio, services).List of ClientsVodafone Kolkata CircleVodafone Rest of West BengalVodafone Orissa circleVodafone Bihar circleLafarge ConcretoLafarg e DuragaurdTata SteelStar JalsaCoal IndiaAque Duct PVC pipes tea board of IndiaOrganizatonal Structure of OgilvyOperational Flow at OgilvyAt Ogilvy, the client servicing executives prepare and pitch a new product or service to a client. It is very important that the pitch is well structured, client centric and adds value to the company. Once the client appoints the advertising agency then the budgets are negotiated.For every new campaign the client briefs the client servicing executives about their requirements. The client servicing executives studies the brief in details and figures out the core need behind the requirement. According to the requirement there is negotiation with the client about the estimated amount which the client will be billed for the campaign.On the basis of the clients requirement and the detailed research by the executive, brief is given to the creative department about the campaign. After catch the brief the creative department reverts back with the idea fo r the campaign. If the idea matches with the clients brief, the client servicing executive asks the creative department to proceed forward. The executives interact on a regular basis with the client through emails and phone calls. After a lot of interaction with the client and the executives, the creative department prepares required creative as per the idea which was finalized. The client servicing executives gets an approval for the creative from the clients.After the executive finalizes the requirement all the creative which are finalized for the campaign are given to the studio operators. The studio operators do the adaptation of the creative in terms of different size requirement, change in the copy etc. They also make sure that all the mandatory guidelines given by the brands are combine in the promotional material. The studio operators do a lot of adaptations according to the region in which the campaign is to be released. This may require using the copy of the advertisement in various languages this is done by the translators. The translator translates the copy according to the local language. The final layouts are shared with the client for their approval, in form of JPEGs. The client reverts back and changes if any are made by the studio operators. Then the final advertisement is released for printing.Apart from the print ad client may require radio advertisements, television commercial, audio visual or any other innovative material for promotions. The client servicing interacts with the respective vendors and gets the work done.IntroductionIndian Cement IndustryAn OverviewIndian cement industry dates back to 1914 first unit was set-up at Porbandar, with a capacity of 1000 tones. 2India manufactures 251.2 Million Tones of cement per year.Indias per capita cement consumption is only 156 kilograms against Chinas 600 kilograms. 4Cement sales primarily through a distribution channel.Ready mix concrete a relatively nascent market in India.Installed Cap acityIndian Cement industry is comprised of 148 large cement plants with around 46 member companies. The installed capacity of these large cement plants is estimated to be 219.17 million tones during 2009-10 (as on March 2009).There are 95 large cement plants with capacity of million tones and above and around 1, 40,000 manpower is employed under these plants (one MnT cement generates downstream employment to 50,000 persons). Also, there are 365 mini and white cement plants with an installed capacity of 11.10 million tones (P). 3StatisticsCement Production Despatches (P)Source Cement Manufacturers AssociationCement production during April to January 2010-11 was 136.51 million tones as compared to 130.85 million tones during the equivalent period for the year 2009-10. Despatches were estimated at 135.56 million tones during April to January 2010-11 whereas during the same period for the year 2009-10, it stood at 130.09 million tones. 3Cement sector is characterized by the following Units knockout near raw material sources or marketsPower intensiveHigh freight costsSmall value chainRegional magnetic declination and volatility in prices and marginsHigh debt levelsRegional distribution of demandSeasonality of demand and cyclicality of the industryHigh entry barriersConsumer Demographics Buying Patterns of Indian ConsumersThe per capita consumption of cement in India is very low, as compared with the developed economies and the overall world number per capita cement consumption. The per capita consumption of cement in India is even less than that in Africa, a relatively underdeveloped continent. Over the past decade, the per capita cement consumption of cement has increased in most states, except Chandigarh, where it has declined by 7 %.Mechanics of Distribution Channels of SectorCompanies invariably hire carrying forwarding agents or transport cements to own or government warehouses either via roadway or railways. Incase of exports, cement reaches the neares t port via roadways or railways and is then transferred to the importing country.Domestically, from warehouses the cement is transported to the dealers/distributors and in turn to sub dealers who finally shop it to the end users. There may or may not be physical ownership of goods.In the second case, dealers and sub dealers take order from buyers and place it to the companies, co ordinate and monitor the timely dispatch of tell orders, transportation of goods and final delivery.Distributor network in cement industry is highly dominating and companies are compelled to hire as they do not really have that rapport and touch with the end consumer of their product. Apart, from this, the distributors have storage facilities as well which help control well in the good supply chain as they are the ones who bring orders and therefore are directly responsible for the business that a manufacturer would do.Demand drivers understructure construction sector the major demand drivers. Some dema nd determinants frugal growthIndustrial activityReal estate business mental synthesis activityInvestments in the core sectorFactors and causes behind the successful flourish of the cement industries in IndiaTechnological change The government and the industries are upgrading the flavor and the technology that are used in the process of production.New investment are in process that are sure to make a change in whole processing and the output of cementThere are host of companies are merging together to make their capacity and the produce big and this would lead to a greater development in the cement production.The real estate market is much optimistic and hence this helps in the growth and the enhancement in the field of cement production and investments.Companies and the investors are spending more on the infrastructure of this sector.Various national programs are taken in like National Rural body of work Guarantee, Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) and Indira Aawas Yojana.Different Types of CementThere are different varieties of cement based on different compositions according to specific end uses, namely Ordinary Portland Cement, Portland Pozolona Cement, Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement, White Cement and Specialized Cement. The basic difference lies in the percentage of clinker used. 51. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC)OPC, popularly known as grey cementClinker 95%Gypsum 5%Other materialsWhite cement is a variation of OPC and is used for decorative purposes like rendering of walls, flooring etc.It contains a very low proportion of iron oxide. The applications are cover dry-lean mixes, general ready-mixes, and even high strength pre-cast and pre-stressed concrete.2. Portland Pozolona Cement (PPC)Portland pozzolana cement is Ordinary Portland Cement blended with pozzolanic materials (power-station fly ash, burnt clays, ash from burnt plant material or Siliceous earths), either together or separately. Portland clinker is ground with Gypsum and Pozzolanic ma terials which, though they do not have cementing properties in themselves, combine chemically with Portland cement in the presence of water to form extra strong cementing material which resists wet cracking, thermal cracking and has a high degree of cohesion and workability in concrete.Clinker 80%Pozzolana 15%Gypsum 5%It is cheaply manufactured because it uses fly ash/burnt clay/coal gasconade as the main ingredient.It has a lower heat of hydration, which helps in preventing cracks.3. Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement (PBFSC)Portland blast-furnace slag cement contains up to 70 per cent of finely ground, granulated blast-furnace slag, a nonmetallic product consisting essentially of Silicates and Aluminum-silicates of Calcium. Slag brings with it the advantage of the energy invested in the slag making. Grinding slag for cement replacement takes only 25 per cent of the energy needed to manufacture Portland cement. Using slag cement to replace a portion of Portland cement in a conc rete mixture is a useful regularity to make concrete better and more consistent. Portland blast-furnace slag cement has a lighter color, better concrete workability, easier finish ability, higher compressive and flexural strength, lower permeability, ameliorate resistance to aggressive chemicals and more consistent plastic and hardened consistency.It has a heat of hydration even lower than PPC and is generally used in construction of dams and similar massive constructions.Clinker 45%Blast furnace slag 50%Gypsum 5%4. White CementWhite Portland cement has essentially the same properties as gray cement, except for color, which is a very important quality control issue in the industry. It is manufactured using fuel oil (instead of coal) and with iron oxide content below 0.4% to ensure whiteness. Special cooling technique is used. It is used to enhance aesthetic value, in tiles and for flooring. White cement is much more expensive than grey cement. 5. Specialized CementOil swell Ce ment is made from clinker with special additives to prevent any porosity. quick Hardening Portland cement It is similar to OPC, except that it is ground much finer, so that on casting, the compressible strength increases rapidly.5 Source. www.acclimited.comMajor players in cement industry1) Associated Cement Companies Ltd (ACC)ACC Limited is Indias foremost cement manufacturer with a countrywide network of factories and marketing offices. Established in 1936, ACC has been a introduce and trend-setter in cement and concrete technology.5ACC manufactures the following types of cement, in addition to which, it provides Bulk Cement and Ready Mix Concrete.Ordinary Portland Cements 43 Grade Cement (OPC 43 Grade), 53 Grade CementBlended Cements Fly-ash based Portland Pozzolana Cement, Portland Slag CementTable No.1- ACC plants2) Birla CorpTable No.2- Birla cement plants3) UltraTechUltraTech Cement Limited has an annual capacity of 52 million tones. It manufactures and markets Ordinary Por tland Cement, Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement and Portland Pozzalana Cement. It also manufactures ready mix concrete (RMC). The company has 11 integrated plants, one white cement plant, one clinkerisation plant in UAE, 15 grinding units 11 in India, 2 in UAE, one in Bahrain and Bangladesh each and five terminals four in India and one in Sri Lanka.UltraTech Cement is the countrys largest exporter of cement clinker. The export markets span countries around the Indian Ocean, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.UltraTechs subsidiaries are Dakshin Cements Limited, Harish Cements Limited, UltraTech Ceylinco (P) Limited and UltraTech Cement Middle East Investments Limited. 11Table No.3- Ultratech cement plantsThe company has an annual capacity of 48.8 million tonnes, and manufactures and markets ordinary portland cement, portland blast furnace slag cement and portland pozzalana cement.4) Ambuja Cements LtdAmbuja Cements Ltd. (ACL) is one of the leading cement manufacturing companies in India. The Company, initially called Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd., was founded in 1983. The Company commenced cement production in 1986. The orbicular cement major Holcim acquired management control of ACL in 2006. Holcim today holds gnomish over 46% equity in ACL. The Company is currently known as Ambuja Cements Ltd. ACL has grown dynamically over the past decade. Its current cement capacity is about 25 million tones.The Company has five integrated cement manufacturing plants and eight cement grinding units across the country. ACL enjoys a story of being one of the most efficient cement manufacturers in the world. Its environs protection measures are on par with the finest in the country. It is one of the most profitable and innovative cement companies in India. 9Table No.4- Ambuja cement plants5) Jaiprakash Associates LimitedJaypee group is the 3rd largest cement producer in the country. The groups cement facilities are located in the Satna Cluster (U.P), which has one of the highest cement production growth rates in India.The group produces special blend of Portland Pozzolana Cement under the brand name Jaypee Cement (PPC). Its Cement Division currently operates modern, computerized process control cement plants with an aggregate capacity of 21.30 MnTPA. The company is in the center of capacity expansion of its cement business in Northern, Southern, Central, Eastern and westbound parts of the country and is slated to be 37.55 MnTPA by FY12 (expected) with Captive Thermal Power Plants totaling 702MW.7Table No.5- Jaypee cement plants6) Binani CementBinani Cement Limited is the flagship subsidiary of Binani Industries Limited (BIL), representing the Braj Binani Group. The cement business started operations in 1997, in Sirohi District, Rajasthan.The Companys product portfolio includes Ordinary Portland Cement, Pozzolona Portland Cement and Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBFS). 10Binani Cement Ltd. produces cement of two gradesGrade 43Grade 53PPC ( Portland Pozzolana Cement)The Binani Cement Plant is in Pindwara, District Sirohi, Rajasthan2Source. http// http// Lafarge CementLafarge is the leader in building materials with a turnover of $15.88 billion in 2009. It has been in operation since way back in history in 1833 when it started as a limestone mining company. But as far as the Indian market goes, Lafarge actually began operations in 1999. And then began a slew of expansion plans in the Indian market combined with a number of insightful, and at times, path breaking marketing initiatives. Lafarge currently has three cement plants in India two integrated plants in the state of Chhattisgarh and a grinding station in Jharkhand. Total cement production capacity of Lafarge in the Indian market currently stands at around 5.5 million tons. Lafarge India produces different types of cements like Portland Slag Cement, Portland Pozzolana Cement. The company is a leading cement player in Eastern India. Its brands Lafarge Cement and Lafarge Concreto Cement enjoy high brand equity here and are amongst the highest priced brands. Lafarge is committed to the Indian market and has firm plans to thrive its capacity in India.Lafarge enjoys high brand equity through its different brands Lafarge Concreto, Lafarge Duragard and Lafarge CementLafarge ConcretoLafarge Concreto has been launched by Lafarge to meet the need of homebuilders in India for truly premium all-purpose cement. Concreto was developed in Lafarges state-of-the art laboratories, which are extensively networked with its Central Research Institute in France. The company has leveraged its combined know-how of more than one hundred seventy years and its experience across 75 countries to develop this unique product. Concreto is a specially engineered, premium qualit y all purpose cement. It can be used for varied applications like roofing, foundations, beams, columns, plastering and brickwork. It is specially formulated to provide a denser concrete mix than normal cements.Concreto is characterized byHigh last strength due to the addition of highly reactive silica containing more than 95% glass content.Enhanced durability due to optimum stoma refinement and consequently denser concrete matrix this improves the impermeability of the concrete.Exceptionally high resistance to chemical attack (sulphates and acids).Protects reinforcement from corrosion.Reduction of structural cracks due to lower heat of hydration than ordinary cements.Low heat of hydration and higher resistance against alkali-reactive aggregates.Cement PlantsLafarge currently hasfour cement plants in India two integrated plants in the state of Chhattisgarh,onegrinding station each in Jharkhand West Bengal. Total cement production capacity of Lafarge in the Indian market currently s tands at around 6.5 million tons.Table No.6- Lafarge cement plantsSegmentationCement is a bulk commodity so the industry is mainly product based. Segmentation is based on its various products i.e. Portland pozzolona cement, quick hardening cement and ready mix cement.Business to business (B2B)Cement industry deals with real estate, construction companies and other institution.For example Real estate sectorBusiness to consumer (B2C)Cement industry deals with individual customers.For example Individual home buildersIndustry focuses on relationship approach, so as to build and maintain trust come to relationship. The cement Industry is mostly done through mass marketing, as it doesnt have any customized product for any specific group of customers.Marketing MixThe 4 Ps of marketing mix comprises ofProduct giftPricePromotionFigure No.2 Marketing Mix1) ProductCement industry has various ranges of products.For example2

Motivation Theories: Maslows Hierarchy

Motivation Theories Mas starts HierarchyIt is inte consisting to l top more than(prenominal) or so pauperization because it has a farsighted way of life to grow a business. offset of alto communicateher, demand squeeze out be explained in simple terms as desire or pass oningness to do something enthusiasm keep staff up to date and nonice interest and subscribe (Oxford dictionaries online, 2012). Motivation great deal be defined as Motivation is a reflection of the reasons why masses do things. All behavior is in that respectfore based on choice-people overhear in to do things that they do (Richard, 2007, p553). Moreover, Cole states that Motivation is the term used to force those processes, some(prenominal) instinctive and rational, by which people seek to satisfy the sancti adeptd drives, perceived unavoidably and psycheal goals, which trigger human behavior. (Cole, 1995, p119).The motivation is one of the go forer of necessity which win him to be more loyal and move most with more enthusiasm.Motivation theoriesMaslows HierarchyMaslows precis relates motivation to a hierarchy of ineluctably with basic needs at the target and higher needs at the top as in Figure 1. The introductory level is the physiological needs such(prenominal) as food, ho apply and clothingis it enough to rent you to enjoy behavior. The second level is gum e go awayic needs it is needs for shelter environment relatively vindicate from threats and it is security that your job is safe and touch on that your move around condition argon safe. The fourth level is love and belong it is existence recognized for doing your job thoroughly, for shell a feeling of belong with your colleagues they back discomfit you and communicate with you. The fifth level is self-actualisation it is being promoted and more office alike inclined the chance and the scope to father natural ideas. ( Richard,2007,p557, from class)Maslow argued that there was a relatio nship amidst the different classes, the needs at the bottom of the hierarchy atomic number 18 basic and they need to be satisfied in front a person chiffonier move on to the next level. For font an individual has not eaten he or she feels hungry and as a response he or she eats and diminishes feelings of hunger so he or she send awaynot course well before this need is satisfied.Maslows theory became an proto(prenominal) useful frame relieve oneself for discussions nigh what people needs whitethorn make ate impart also the ways in which their motivation can jock them to meet managers.One criticism of this theory is that systematic tendency up the hierarchy does not seem to be a uni course of work abidance of behaviour for m each people.Figure 1 Hierarchy of needs (GOOGLE)Taylors ScientificTaylors motivation theory is created in 1911 and this theory is c all in alled a scientific anxiety theory, thats mean a relation between science and management at the organization of work. According to Taylors enquiry motivation thinks that money is the front thing which trigger offs people to work. But give to the employers some promotion and metre to think about them self can booster them to remedy and work more seriously. Taylor believed that monetary reward was an important motivating factor. This is known as piece work. He lined how a great deal money a person earned to how much the produced in a sidereal daytime. Their issue was linked to a piece rate if people worked hard and produced a lot that day they would earn a lot of money, if they didnt work hard and didnt produce much they would not earn a lot of money that day. (From class)There argon some problems with Taylors approach. He treats people as machine rather than as humans. He assumes that people ar only when interested in getting money from work in fact people regard opposite things from work, a service of light uponment, friendships with colleagues and work fulfills more than ripe monetary needs.Elton whitethornonnaiseElton Mayo (1880-1949) cave inicipated in Human relations Movement. He contributed with the hearty enquiry performed at the Hawthorne plant of the Western Electric Company in Chicago, USA, between 1927 and 1932, and named the Hawthorne Studies. Elton Mayo is considered as the founder of the human relations movement. He was operative on some studies concerning fatigue accidents and ride put to workover at work when he was approached by executives of the Western Electric Company for advice. The studies were conducted over several(prenominal) days in a number of different stages, as follows offset stage (1924-1927). This was carried out by the federations own staff under the counseling of Messrs Pennock and Dickson. This stage was performed with respect to the personal effects of lighting on output. One group, had a consistent level of lighting, the some different group had its lighting varied. The experimental group productivity growth even when the lighting was reduced to a low level. Stage two (1927-1929) is to make more detailed study of the effects of differing physical conditions on productivity. In this research the break downd six women running(a) in the relay assembly section from the rest and they give them rest pauses and lunch times different in timing and in length. The go was that their productivity change magnitude in better and worse conditions. The women productivity affixd because they were the c embark of attention.(Cole,2004,p33)Mayo suggested that motivation at work was promoted by such factors as-a undecomposed conversation with the employer-a good police squadwork which the employer feel relaxed-showing interest in early(a)s-ask the other before to make a decision-ensuring the wellbeing of other-ensuring work is interest and non- repetitiveMayo believe that motivation encourage employer to work more and to choose their position in the work.1-4 HerzbergHerzberg concentrated o n expiation and dis rejoicing at work. His theory is sometimes called the two-factor theory which divided into-Motivators factors or satisfiers for subject work itself, responsibility, attainment.-Hygiene factors or dissatisfies for physical exertion salary, play along policy, working conditions.(Cole,2004,p37)The factors of motivators argon all related to the actual content of the work place and job responsibilities.The hygienics factors are good or comme il faut lead not in themselves make the person satisfied, by ensuring that they are indeed adequate. In other part, where these aspects are bad, extreme dis pleasure was reported by all respondents.The work of Herzberg has tended to encourage attention to such as factors asSuitable supervision which encourages the labor force rather than restricts it.Job en large-scalement programs, job enrichment and job satisfaction which can often be increased through and through work restructuring.The mount and achieving of targets an d objectives.In order to manage the two-factor approach to motivation effectively, attention in the following areas-A management style, attitude and approach to staff, trust and honesty, limitations or technology concerned in the work itself.-General factors of status, believed in, given opportunities for change and cultivation of the organization.-staff has a good relationship between each other that is facilities the undefeated of the activities inwardly organization.(Pettinger,2007,p560)David McClellandMcClelland (1961) and his colleagues entertain got examined how people think and their work led them to identify triple categories of human need which areNeed for affiliation to develop and of importtain interpersonal relationships.Need for achievement to show supremacyful task results and take personal responsibilityNeed for power to be able to deviate and control others and to shape events. (Boddy,2002,p399)McClelland secluded need for achievement as a main human motiv e, and one that is influenced strongly by personality and by environment.Humans with a high need of achievement seem to have characteristics such as their need for achievement is consistent, they seek tasks in which they can exercise personal responsibility, they prefer tasks which present a challenge without being too difficult and which they see as inside their mastery and they want feedback on their results. in any reason they are less concerned about their social or affiliation needs.McClelland realized that the need for achievement is affected by education, childhood experiences and culture background. Therefore designing helping programmes can help increase the achievement motive in employees at work place. apply motivation theories in businessIt is important when doing investigative work, particularly about motivation, that we remember that the existing theories on human behavior are just that theories. Theories are there to be challenged. Over a period of time, theories make and go. Just because you read one theory does not mean to avow it is just now what happens or that is how humans behave. As time passes and we gain new knowledge, theories may become totally discredited. The identification of the fact that business organisations employ people because of the contribution they make to production. In return for that contribution, people fetch money in the form of a wage or salary.The successful of business start from the motivation theory for example if a staunch can motive its employees after that it can improve employee morale and increase productivity then the business testament be farm. (bized, 2012). Motivation within the institution is when leaders encourage their subordinates to accomplish their tasks and provide a capable environment in which they feel able to work. Employees give of themselves to change the work environment, considering each as an employee in order to ensure the proper work of the company so that its resources a re salutaryy optimized. Ensure that the tasks well gainful because employees are a Family Company that is why they are the first police squad success, in order to generate intense harmony between all members of the institution to create its own culture the company. This allows the institution to stand actually well on the socio-economic and financial institution made him guaranteed future periods, since allone is project to a plane that is the health of the firm as the short, medium and long term. (Memoire online, 2012)The successful of business start from the motivation theory for example if a firm can motive its employees after that it can improve employee morale and increase productivity then the business bequeathing be enhance as in figure2Figure2 (Madura,2007)A firm may not be able to motivate some employees, regardless of its efforts or the methods used to motivate them. If not form of motivation is effective, the threat of being fired may serve as a ultimately resort to motivate these employees. Firms can enhance job satisfaction and therefore motivate employees by providing an adequate compensation program, which aligns compensation with performance job security employee involvement programs and a flexible work schedule. A firms decisions regarding the motivation concepts summarized here affect its performance, if a firm can motivate its employees, it can improve employee morale and increase productivity. While there are numerous motivation theories, the proper form of motivation varies with the firms characteristics and may even vary among employees.(Madura,2007)Example of company using a motivation theoriesCase study KelloggsKelloggs created in 1898 from W.K. Kellogg, and his brother, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg and this company produced the delicious recipe for Kelloggs Corn Flakes. In 2006, The Kellogg Company celebrated its 100-year loyalty to nutrition, health and quality. In this time e Kellogg Company is the worlds leading producer of b reakfast cereals. Its products are manufactured in 18 countries and sold in more than 180 countries also it has been a leader in health and nutrition.The most important of success the company it return from adapt the motivation theory. Kelloggs culture supports its role as a good employer. Employees are support to speak positively about each other when focusing on their strength. The creating of a great place to work for Kelloggs is supported by the motivation theory. graduation of all Kelloggs adapt the motivation theory of Maslow by every employee is motivated to work through each of 5 levels and its positive effects for each employee and the company for instanceIn physiological needs Kelloggs offers warring salaries this helps people to acquire the basic needs for living. Also Kelloggs gives people a childcare vouchers, cash alternatives to company cars and discounted life assurance schemes. These things help workers to be motivated and to be loyal to the company.In safety need s Kelloggs securities the safety of all employees. The company is responsible to give a safe and sanitary work environment to prevent accidents. Kelloggs also offers employees a range of working patterns. For example some may want to work part-time others may want career breaks or undertake homeworking. This will be a variety of options for the employees in a healthy work-life offset.In social needs Kelloggs operates weekly group huddles. These provide opportunities for employees to receive information on any part of the business, including sales data and company products. Kelloggs positively recognizes and rewards staff achievements.In self-actualization Kelloggs supplies employees with the possibility to take stimulating responsibilities and on challenging. This is helpful to the employees to develop and improve. For exampleLaura Bryant joined Kelloggs in 2002 after fished her university. She joined the Field Sales team initially that help her to visit five to ten super layets a day to develop relationships at a local level. After two years she was promoted to Customer Marketing Manager at Head Office. This helped to increase her indite as she wanted to move into marketing. By encouraging from her manager, Laura made the handing over from Sales to Marketing as Assistant Brand Manager on Rice Krispies and Frosties. In 2009 she was promoted again to manage the marketing plan for additional K and she is now Brand Manager for Kelloggs Cornflakes. The company has helped motivate her to shake the hierarchy of needs and achieve her career ambitions.In the second part Kelloggs adapt the motivation of Taylor for example many employees are motivated by cash alternatives which include the chance to buy and sell their holiday days. Also Taylors theory breaks down jobs into specialist tasks through the division of labor and this is corresponds to large companies like Kelloggs. Also the staffs of the company are encouraged to be creative and use their imagination to contribute towards change.In the third part, Kelloggs apply the motivation theory of Mayo in keeps a two-way dialogue with employees through its communication programs. This is helpful to allow the workforce. Kelloggs has kind of dialogue recording for communication like this oneHere at Kelloggs listening is a primeval premise of the way we work. We believe that our employees have some of the best ideas and that a successful company is one that listens to the grass roots feedback and acts on it. every employee can pitch an issue or a prompt via their rep who will hike it at one of their monthly meetings. (Sue Platt, HR Director)The Kelloggs suggestion box scheme helps to improve productivity and making business a great place to work. Also Kelloggs helps to generate ideas and has an initiative called Snap, Crackle and that an employee suggestion scheme to save costs within the supply chain.For example a lot of ideas have been put forward over the last couple of years. One ide a suggested that one thickness of cardboard could be used for packaging in all manufacturing plants in Europe. This saved around 250,000 per year. Kelloggs helps personal development planning for employees which includes provisions such as study leave as part of staff development. This reinforces staff commitment and their adept of being treated well.In the fourth part, Kelloggs adapt the motivation theory of Herzberg by developed a number of motivating factors. For example this company has a Fit for Life program offering to the employees access to fitness centers, annual fitness estimations by healthcare specialists every spring and free health checks. It also provides a summer hours from May to September so if employees have worked a lot of hours they can adjust their working hours to balance their work against family or lifestyle commitments. This motivation is related to Herzberg because in the study he want to give individuals job satisfaction These include, for example, p romotion or recognition for effort and performance also the level of responsibility of the job. . Herzberg believed that businesses compulsory to ensure hygiene factors were minimised in order to enable motivators to have their full effect, because hygiene factors make the employees in the work place feel unhappy. This motivation from Herzberg helps Kelloggs to build a business that delivers consistently strong results. For example theatre working, part-time working, flextime and job sharing. Subsidized access to local facilities or on-the-spot(prenominal) gyms Parental leave, career breaks, time off for depends and paternity and maternity.This an example of employee whole caboodle with KelloggsClaire Duckworth works in the Consumer Insight team at Kelloggs. She takes part in Latin American ballroom dancing competitively with her partner. They are ranked 7th in England in the over-35 category. Flexible working at Kelloggs enables her to expedition to events and provides her wit h the opportunity to pursue her hobby at a serious level. This opportunity to adjust her working life to accommodate her personal ambitions makes Claire feel esteem and supported.Also the Kelloggs sales team meets every Friday morning to share success stories of the week.AnalyzeThis case study illustrates the range of different motivation measures in practice at Kelloggs. It salutes that highly motivated employees can improve efficiency, output and quality for a business. Kelloggs is able to make work a more profitable and competitive business also more exciting and interesting experience for employees whilst creating a more productive.Conclusion The importance of Motivation openingMotivation at work is the taste that the subject has to do, the extent to which it involves, perseverance, perseveration of effort he agrees.Motivation resulting from the satisfaction, it is important to specify certain criteria which are The work itself, The economic level it provides, Relations in w hich he bathes. feat depends as much on human motivational balance and satisfaction of the tension on the search for new tensions, thus some form of imbalance, for example, when a project (cognitive or social) is the subject humans often developed another action project, he tries to carry and so on. Arguably enhancing cognitive and social activities is their own creation and not in an external object. spell your language into a 21Turning your speech into a 21Title Dissertation Copy Writing.How to turn your dissertation from a 22 to a 21When you are given your first piece of coursework as an undergraduate, you are also given (or should be) a copy of the marking criteria which will be applied when your work is assessed. Although by the time you reach the point of writing a dissertation you will be approaching the culmination of a course of study, the comparable basic judgements will be made. Of course, there is always a circumference allowed for tutors and lecturers to apply their own judgement, it is never simply a numbers gimpy, and the dissertation you present will always be attach by more than one person, but basically the same criteria will be applied at whatever level you are working.So, how do you raise your dissertation from the mediocrity which is represented by a 22, to the decimal point of excellence represented by a 21? Essentially, the balance in terms of actual marks is often minute a 22 would normally be the result of a mark between 50% and 59%, whereas a 21 represents a mark between 60% and 69%. Look at the borders here, not the maximum of each the difference between a 22 and a 21 could be as gnomish as 2%. In reality, however, this is rarely the case. Your work will be marked interpretively and therefore in order to be sure of upping that stratum, you need a comfortable difference not a borderline one.Approach this logically and you will see that you need to consider how your work can be improved in each of the applicable criteria in o rder to raise your grade and you should think about this from the outset. Before you begin your dissertation, look cautiously at the marking criteria and note where the differences between a 22 and a 21 lie. Youll notice that the criteria for either a 22 or 21, needs the followingUnderstanding of the questionIdentifying the major(ip) themesThe mightiness to develop a well-structured argumentThe inclusion of supplementary separate from primary texts, correctly referencedA strong refinementA bibliography using the referencing style of your donnishian institution.Having probably been in academic life for some time before attempting a dissertation you should be mentation this is all pretty standard and if you are not, then that 21 is just a dream because the way to turn a 22 into a 21 is down to your baron to spot out just where each of these basic requirements needs to be expanded.In general, the list differences between a 22 and a 21 exist in the depth of research and th e quality of analysis. That being the case you should focus on your level of research and your analytical ability to improve your grade. Also, this ability to research and analyse mustiness be linked seamlessly to your argument. To earn a 21 you must make your points cogently and show that you have expanded your reading beyond the merely compulsory towards the comprehensive. A good way of doing this is to look at the bibliographies of a primary text because you will then be using a credible source to develop your research base. From here, you can begin to analyse, i.e. literally take apart and rumourmonger critically on the read so that it informs your dissertation argument and never at any point appears separate from the important themes.A 21 dissertation reflects a much deeper level of thought than a 22, which is why it is the minimum requirement of most respected universities in order to carry out post-graduate research. However, even within the 21 there are divisions of whi ch you should be aware in order that you are sure of your 21, rather than hoping just to scrape through. In other words, you need to be aiming for a mark in the region of 65% to 69%. To achieve this, you need to demonstratethat you can not only develop an argument but that you have anticipated some of the achievable challenges to itthat your reading goes beyond the basic in both collation and cohesionthat your analysis has added to your argument and developed your thinkingthat you have produced a conclusion that does more than just summarise your argument but also provides a genuine synthesis of immense-ranging yet focussed thought.Remember, that the award of a 21 grade reflects on the level of excellence of the academic institution to which you belong as much as you so it will not be given lightly but that, of course, is what makes it worth having, isnt it?How to turn your dissertation from a 21 to a counterbalance distinguishIn order to preserve their quality benchmark, most universities stringently limit the number of commencement exercise association degrees that they award and this is reflected in the assessment of a start menage dissertation. When you think about it, you wouldnt truly want it any other way because the expansion of the number would depreciate the inherent status that achieving a First soma degree carries and the key to this is the ability to research and write a First air division dissertation. For this reason, if for no other, you need to work not only harder to achieve a First mannikin dissertation grade but also in a very specific way. Lets examine precisely how by taking the structuring of a First Class dissertation step by step.You will have at your disposal a marking scheme with which by the stage in your academic career when you are necessary to write a dissertation, you should be very familiar. You need, now, to look at this more about, even analytically, than you have ever done before, so that you isolate the fe atures which separate the wider excellence of the 21 from the specific excellence of the First. Looking closely at the marking levels, you will instantly see that it would be theoretically possible to achieve a First Class dissertation grade by gaining a mark that is anything over 70%. In practice, however, you will more often than not be literally competing for a First against your fellow students because the university might often decide in abstract how many Firsts it ultimately intends to award and your dissertation is a crucial part of this. Therefore, you must ensure that your dissertation stands out from the rest and rather than just progress into the 70s reaches closer to 80%.The basics should not need to be declared if you are aiming at the highest level with your dissertation so lets take it has read that you will write well, argue coherently, reference fitly and correctly and provide a convincing conclusion even to get a 22 you would need all of these to be present. There fore, it is not on that you should focus for a First but on other factors, not called for in the lower levels, even the 21 this tautological something is rooted in the demonstration of research abilities beyond the obvious and the ability to find the original in the familiar. In other words, a First Class dissertation will display not only wide reading but also an innovative approach to both the meter reading of the research and its application. Your thoughts need to be both critical and original and whilst the first of these may be familiar, the second will be less so because in all probability you will not have been required to display originality until now. Indeed, you may have been actively discouraged from allowing your own thoughts to enter into your work, as most academic work encourages you to take an objective regard rather than a subjective one. You now need to forget that to some extent and begin to allow your personal perspective to enter your work. Of course, you li felessness need to present a balanced argument, well supported by strong evidence in the form of wide and yet focussed reading, but you must now also add to this the evident ability to detect and develop a nuance so that it becomes a unambiguously significant imperative in your work that separates it from the work of others. Above all, to obtain a First Class grade for your dissertation, you need to display a scholarly approach, together with an individualistic but grounded and viable methodology which includes evidence of innovation and independent thinking.This is of course a very difficult task, especially if you are working in a very familiar field. more or less of the original lines of approach may appear to have been developed already but this will not be the case. There is not a single radical on which the last word has been said and if you can find and develop an original line of thought which you can support with a strong argument and comprehensive research, then that p rized First Class dissertation is within your grasp, all you have to do is go for itHow to turn your dissertation from a First Class to an stop number First ClassThe one word with which you need to engage in order to achieve an top(prenominal) First Class dissertation is originality. everything else that you need to accomplish should be second nature to you at this level and what you want now is to demonstrate how your thinking will add to the body of thought on the subject. Indeed, the development of a First Class dissertation to an Upper First Class dissertation may be said to rest if not exactly solely then certainly heavily upon this aspect of your work. One of the main reasons for this, is that the vast majority of Upper First Class dissertations are later(prenominal) developed into theses for post graduate research, may indeed already be part of it, and as the excellence of a universitys research, from its staff as well as students, is the way in which it is ultimately judg ed in the academic world, it is clear that this grade will not be freely awarded. Therefore, if you are hoping to achieve this level, you will need considerable intellectual insight have with an innovative approach.Clearly, the fundamental basis of an Upper First Class dissertation is wide ranging research but you should approach this from the first with an eye to discovering a new approach, something that has not been explored before and that further research will help to develop into a significant contribution to the topic you are studying. This is both challenging and exciting as you have the chance to contribute to a topic for which your attraction has been demonstrated by your having chosen to study it in the first place and reached the level that you have. Also, as has already been mentioned, what you identify as areas of possible future research in this dissertation may well be the basis for further study and you should incorporate this into your dissertation as a fundamenta l part of its structure throughout, if you are going to achieve an Upper First Class grade, which in most cases will require you to gain over 80% as your final mark.As research is so vital at this level, it is worth taking a little time to explain how you should go about it when preparing your Upper First Class dissertation. As with the research for lower grades, you should, of course, first consult the primary sources. Every field has its experts and in your search for innovation, you should not overlook the established. However, whilst you are aggregation evidence from what has been said, the Upper First Class dissertation student will be looking just as vitally for what has been omitted. Ask yourself the following as you readWhat is this expert saying?Does this expert cover the topic comprehensively?Are there any areas of particular interest to me which are absent?Can my research develop this further?Has anyone else covered the thinking which I believe to be original?By breaking down your research into this critical approach, you are beginning to work in the way that is needed to obtain an Upper First Class grade for your dissertation.It should also be remarked that the level of fluid and cohesive argument that you will need to produce in order to achieve an Upper First Class grade for your dissertation must be beyond reproach. There must, of course, be no errors in either the presentation or the structure and careful proof-reading is essential. Also, you must in no way sacrifice the logical and cerebrate coherence of your argument to the quest for originality. There is little point in exploring a nuance you have discovered if your basic argument is flawed. Therefore, before you expand your writing and research ensure that you have covered the basics of the topic. Remember that ultimately what is required to achieve an Upper First Class grade for your dissertation is innovative thought coupled with a well-argued central discussion. The conclusions you dra w are also a fundamental part of an Upper First Class dissertation as is a comprehensive bibliography so dont leave either your conclusion or your bibliography until the last minute. Give both the importance they deserve in your dissertation and you will leave your assessor with the desired impression that they have read an Upper First Class piece of work which is, of course, precisely what you want and which, by following this brief guide, you will have every chance of achieving.